- United Kingdom
- https://natpat.net
shogi Public
Animal Shogi implementation, with server and computer players.
Python UpdatedJan 25, 2021 -
guacamol Public
Forked from BenevolentAI/guacamolBenchmarks for generative chemistry
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 19, 2019 -
py-ogl-dev Public
Trying out OpenGL in Python. Following http://ogldev.atspace.co.uk.
Python UpdatedNov 13, 2018 -
Automatic Detection of Social Anxiety Symptoms using Speech and Facial Recognition
natpats-basic-haxe-engine Public
My basic Haxe engine, including support for particles, input handling, spritesheet handling, tweens and eases, some basic GUI stuff, sound effects, and a few other helpful bits and pieces.
LudumDareCommentChecker Public
A little script that checks your Ludum Dare entry for more comments.
Python UpdatedSep 4, 2015 -
natpats-basic-as3-engine Public
My basic AS3 engine, including support for particles, input handling, spritesheet handling, tweens and eases, some basic GUI stuff, sound effects, and a few other helpful bits and pieces.
ActionScript MIT License UpdatedAug 21, 2015 -