Reach is a symbolic finite state reachability checker. One could also say that Reach is a safety model checker.
Reach is written in Go and requires Go to build/install from source. To install Go, please see the installation webpage.
Then all one needs to do is run
go install
This will also get and build our only dependency (gini) apart from Go itself.
Please have a look at our releases for the project status. If you would like to have binary distributions, please let us know by the issue tracker.
As a software tool, Reach works on transition systems either in gini/logic form (for library use) or in aiger format (for cli use) which specify sequential synchronous circuits with Boolean/binary state, functions, and I/O.
Mathematically, often enough we think of these things as
transition systems (x,I,T,B)
is a set of binary variables.I(x)
is a set of initial states.T(x,x')
is a transition relation over pairs of states.B(x)
is a set of bad states (e.g. the complement of a safety property).
, T
, and B
above are formulas, so the size of the state space is
The reachability problem is to find if there is a sequence of states
such that the first one satisfies I(x)
, the last one satisfies B(x)
and every adjacent pair in the sequence satisfies T(x,x')
This problem is PSPACE complete. This means the class of problems represented by possible inputs to Reach are considered intractable (but atleast decidable), more so than the easiest intractable complexity class (NP-complete).
The doc directory contains some high level documentation. Godoc is available for library reference.
⎣ ⇨ reach
Reach is a finite state reachability tool for binary systems.
usage: reach [gopts] <command> [args]
available commands:
iic iic is an incremental inductive checker.
bmc bmc performs SAT based bounded model checking.
sim sim simulates aiger.
ck ck checks traces and inductive invariants.
stim stim outputs an aiger stimulus from an output directory.
aag aag outputs an ascii aiger of the Reach internal aig.
aig aig outputs an binary aiger of the Reach internal aig.
info info provides summary information about an aiger or output.
global options:
-cpuprof string
file to output cpu profile
For help on a command, try "reach <cmd> -h".
We've developed Reach initially with tip and hwmcc benchmarks. Reach can solve a lot of these problems quickly and is fairly robust in terms of different kinds of inputs. Reach also uses some unique technology, making it reasonable to try out on inputs for which other methods (smv, abc, etc) have problems. Its proof engine is much faster than baseline IC3, but it is still behind ABC/PDR on many problems.
DOI based citations and downloads:
author = {Scott Cotton},
title = {go-air/reach: Tenu},
month = jan,
year = 2019,
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.2554423},
url = {}