**TL:DR: ** Learn how to upload images to cloudinary in React Native.
Familiar React Native elementary setup, if not get started here : https://bit.ly/react-native-how-to-setup-your-first-app ,
you can also check React Native awesome documentation : https://reactnative.dev/.
Basic understanding of Hooks, if not get started here: https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-state.html.
Little or no knowledge on Cloudinary.
Node >= v13.0.0
React >= v16.9.0
React Native CLI >= v0.61.5
Andriod Stuido, VSCode. I will be using VSCode, you can download here: https://bit.ly/vscodeDownload.
If you are using VSCode, I would recommend Lights Out theme by Nedy, lovely theme: https://bit.ly/NedyLightsOut
Cloudinary Dashboard. You can signup here if you do not have an account: https://bit.ly/cloudinarySignup.
Uploading an image from mobile camera or gallery collection to cloudinary in React Native will be covered in this article, we will be using hooks to manage state to display the image after it is uploaded.
Get familiar with what we are building in the course of the tutorial.
Installing Image Picker
Setting up UI
Simple Image Picker
Cloudinary image storage
- Quick Recap on what was built.