macroed is a powerful and flexible macros expand tool for nodejs
var Macroed = require('macroed').Macroed;
var macroed = new Macroed();
// just like inline macros
name: 'smile',
generate: function () {
return ':)';
macroed.expandString('Hello {{smile()}}'); // -> 'Hello :)'
name: 'bolder',
generate: function (params) {
return '<b style="font-weight: ' + params.weight + '">%s</b>';
macroed.expandString('{{bolder(weight=700):This text is bolder}} than that');
// <b style="font-weight: 700">This text is bolder</b> than that
// block macros
name: 'wrapper',
generate: function (params) {
return '<div class="wrapper wrapper_align_' + params.align + '">%s</div>';
var string = [
' I am at right!'
macroed.expandString(string); // -> <div class="wrapper wrapper_align_right">I am at right!</div>
// support processors
name: 'docbook',
params: {
stylesheet: './xsl/common/docbook.xsl'
process: function (content) {
return applyXslt(this.params.stylesheet, content);
name: 'article',
generate: function (params) {
return '<article class="article article_theme_' + params.theme + '">%s</article>';
string = [
' <xml>',
' <OMG/>',
' </xml>'
// <article class="article article_theme_docbook">
// <% result of xslt %></article>
// </article>
// default processor
var marked = require('marked');
name: 'default',
params: {
smartypants: true
process: function (params, content) {
return marked(this.params, content);
macroed.expandString('##{{bolder(weight=bold):This}} is awesome!');
// <h2 id="this-is-awesome"><b style="font-weight: bold">This</b> is awesome!</h2>
// Note: macroed module provides an instance of Macroed that supports markdown by default (marked),
// but feel free to change it no another text based processor
// supports markdown
var macroed = require('macroed');
// so poor?
string = [
'Ok, lets write something!',
'First, {{accent(type=red):media-slider}}!',
' ![sea](/sea.png)',
' ||note()',
' ![cat](/cat.png)',
' it is my crazy fat cat!',
' ![car](/car.png)',
' {{youtube():yJOs7pgdf_g}}',
' ||diagram:diagram-wrapper(id=42)',
' some->crazy->syntax',
' parse->it->how->you->want',
' with->diagram->processor',
'Is not it cool?',
'Tired from markdown, lets switch to docbook',
' <para>',
' Omg xml is so difficult!',
' </para>'
macroed.expandString(string); // -> Booo!