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HP Manager


npm install hp-manager


var hpManager = require('hp-manager');



First, the required settings for HP management. Setting values are the following four.

  • DB information (Required)
  • Location to save HP
  • The maximum value of HP
  • The minimum value of HP

In particular, you should be set with care DB information and the location (key) to save HP.

DB information must be an object that has always the method of set and get.
The location (key) to save the HP, is a clue for loading HP information to be stored in the table. Therefore, do not set the value (key) that overlaps with the value stored in the table in the Location to save HP.

The following is a setting for using the hubot brain (Redis).

var hpMana = new hpManager({
    db: robot.brain,
    hpKey: 'hpManager',
    max: 100,
    min: 10

Let's manage HP

In HP management, this module has the following features:

  • Registered user
  • HP changes (addition, subtraction)
  • Get HP of user
  • Delete user

Registered user

When you first "attack" or "care" or "status", registered user.

HP changes (addition, subtraction)

If you want to attack,

var hp = hpMana.attack(user ,damage);

If you want to care,

var hp = ,point);

If you want to full care,

var list = hpMana.full_care(user); //full care user
var list = hpMana.full_care(); //full care all user

Argument is a user (string) and in the damage (numeric).
Remaining HP of the user is stored in the hp.
And list is the object that contains name and hp.

Get HP of user

If you get the HP of all users,

var list = hpMana.status();

If you get the HP of a specific user,

var list = hpMana.status(user);

Argument is a user (string), and list is the object that contains name and hp.

Delete user

To the following,

var list = hpMana.delete(user);

Argument is a user (string), and list is the object that contains name and hp.

Example of usage in Hubot

As follows: write the script of Hubot.

var hpManager = require('hp-manager');

module.exports = function(robot) {
  var hpMana = new hpManager({ db: robot.brain,
      hpKey: 'hpManager',
      max: 100,
      min: 10

  robot.respond(/attack (\w+)/i, function(msg) {
      var user = msg.match[1];
      var damage = 10;
      var hp = hpMana.attack(user ,damage);
      msg.send(`Ouch!! ${user} damaged ${damage}!\nHP: ${hp}/${hpMax}`);

After that only call hubot!

hubot> hubot:attack goma
hubot> Ouch!! goma damaged 10!
HP: 90/100


Save the HP to DB, and management.






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