The purpose of this repository is to provide examples of application templates and cloud architectures that use Azure, .NET, Angular and other frameworks.
.Net 7 App on Azure App Service with Private Endpoints Enabled
Azure Function App that syncs Azure DevOps Work Items and GH Issues
Azure Function App and Logic App Standard that interact through Webhooks
.Net Apps on AKS that process Service Bus Queues using KEDA
.NET 6 Minimal APIs based on GraphQL and REST
.NET console chat application using Azure Open AI and Semantic Kernel
Electron Application with Angular that uses Azure AD for AUTH
Application based on the Federated Identity Pattern, .NET Core MVC and Azure B2C for Auth
.NET Core MVC Application with Angular Client App that uses Azure AD for AUTH
.NET Core MVC Application with Angular Client App that uses Azure AD B2C for AUTH
.NET Core that contains an example of usage of Azure Durable Functions
.NET Core Application that can be used as a Windows Service
Backlog is managed using Azure DevOps. The project is public and can be accessed using the link below.
Azure DevOps GitHub Integration
Work items are created in Azure DevOps and linked to GitHub issues. The work items are then linked to the issues with the GitHub Integration Service Connection.
The infrastructure is managed using a combination of Terraform and Bicep.
The templates scripts are located in this repository: