Test run e2e after approve not in MQ #1383
Triggered via pull request
December 17, 2024 08:18
Startup failure
Total duration
This workflow graph cannot be shown
A graph will be generated the next time this workflow is run.
1 error
Invalid workflow file:
The workflow is not valid. In .github/workflows/check.yaml (Line: 24, Col: 11): Error from called workflow gooddata/gooddata-ui-sdk/.github/workflows/rw-rush-build-basic-checks.yml@72400c958336e5857a83a720651b0b7407b43614 (Line: 36, Col: 27): Job 'validate' depends on unknown job 'build'. In .github/workflows/check.yaml (Line: 24, Col: 11): Error from called workflow gooddata/gooddata-ui-sdk/.github/workflows/rw-rush-build-basic-checks.yml@72400c958336e5857a83a720651b0b7407b43614 (Line: 67, Col: 27): Job 'test' depends on unknown job 'build'.