The WordGraph dataset contains multilingual lexicon entries linked to wikipedia entities, focusing on human-denoting names and demonym adjectives. Each lexicon entries contain inflected word-form and morphological information all locales.
Each file contains data for one language. File name format is XX_wikidata‧tsv where XX is the two letter code for the language.
Files are tsv file with the following field:
- topic: the wikidata sense entry (represented by its Q id), for example: Q1410 for Gibraltar
- relation: the lexico-semantic relation between the topic and the entry. It can be:
- Demonym noun: the noun referring to the inhabitants of a location or the member of an ethnic group (e‧g. "Gibraltarian" for "Gibraltar")
- Demonym adjective: the adjective describing a relation with a location or an ethnic group
- Human denoting sense: the noun referring to a topic that describes a human activity or a role (like "hairdresser", "king", "friend"). These entries are particularly useful to provide male/female forms for these roles/professions.
- language: the Q id for the language
- pos: the Part-of-Speech. In these resources, only "Nominal" or "Adjectival" are available
- lemma: the lemma of the entry.
- orthography: one of the form of the entry.
- features: the Q id of the morphosyntactic structures describing the orthography
Each entry can be reconstructed by grouping all the lines that contain the same lemma and the same POS:
Topic: Q187985 # Tibet
Relation: Demonym noun
Language: Q150 #French
POS: nominal
Lemma: tibétain
- tibétain Q110786,Q499327 #singural, #masculine
- tibétaine Q110786,Q1775415 #singural, #feminine
- tibétains Q146786,Q499327 #plural, #masculine
- tibétaines Q146786,Q1775415 #plural, #feminine