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Kevin Reid edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 1 revision

(legacy summary: All about Caja testing and browser tests)

Running tests

ant targets

ant runtests

Runs all tests (including browser tests, but not including jQuery tests).

Note: junit output will show failures for known-fail tests marked with @FailureIsAnOption. Known-fails are accounted for after all tests are run, when generating the test summary.

The test summary is at ant-reports/*/report/index.html

ant nobrtest

Runs only non-browser tests. This is identical to "ant runtests -Dtest.exclude=*BrowserTest"

ant brtest

Runs only browser tests (but not jQuery tests). This is identical to "ant runtests -Dtest.filter=*BrowserTest"

ant brserve

Starts the local HTTP server used by browser tests, then waits forever, which is useful for manually running and debugging browser tests.

brserve will print a URL .../test-index.html that is a page with links to all the individual browser tests.

ant brserve+

Same as brserve, but also starts the browser used by browser tests.

runtests flags

-Dtest.browser= (default: "firefox")

Chooses which browser to test. "firefox" and "chrome" work for local browser testing. "firefox", "chrome", and "ie" work for remote browser testing.

-Dtest.browser.close= (default: "no")

Normally when a browser test fails, the test runner will try to leave the browser open so that it can be examined later. When this flag is truthy, the test runner will always close the browser when done, whether it passes or fails.

-Dtest.capture.passes= (default: "no")

When browser testing captures screenshots and logs, it normally captures just failed tests. If this flag is truthy, passed tests will also be captured. {default: "", but set by build.xml to a subdir of ant-reports)

When non-empty, this should be the path to a directory, and browser testing will save screenshots and logs to that directory. (default: "")

Semicolon-separated list of command-line args to use when starting Chrome.

This applies to both local and remote Chrome testing.

A comprehensive list of args is available here, but probably the only interesting one is --js-flags.

In particular, --js-flags=--harmony has the same effect as the "Enable Experimental Javascript" option on the chrome://flags page. (Note, using --js-flags=--harmony will not change "Enable Experimental Javascript" on the flags page, but the effect is the same.) (default: system-dependent search)

Overrides the automatic search for the Chrome executable when testing Chrome. This should be an absolute pathname.

This applies to both local and remote Chrome testing. For remote testing, the value should be a pathname on the remote host.

On MacOS X, this should point at the "Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome" executable inside the app bundle.

-Dtest.debug= (default: "no")

When truthy, listen on port 9999 and wait for a Java debugger to connect before starting tests.

-Dtest.debug.browser= (default: "no")

When truthy, start the test server and the browser, then wait. This is the same as ant brserve+.

-Dtest.debug.server= (default: "no")

When truthy, start the test server, then wait. This is the same as ant brserve.

-Dtest.exclude= (default: "--none--")

Skip Java test classes that match this glob pattern.

-Dtest.failureNotAnOption= (default: "no")

When truthy, the test report generator will ignore the @FailureIsAnOption annotation on tests.

-Dtest.filter= (default: "*Test")

Only run Java test classes that match this glob pattern.

-Dtest.filter.method= (default: "*")

Only run Java test methods that match this glob pattern.

Note, we don't always have a way to skip running a test method. Instead, non-matching methods may be recorded as passing without being run, which makes it a little tricky to tell the difference between tests that passed because they ran vs tests that passed because they were skipped.

-Dtest.server.hostname= (default: automatic guess)

When running a remote webdriver, the remote browser needs to load resources from a local HTTP server started by the test driver. The test driver will guess a hostname that the remote browser can use to contact the local HTTP server, but the guess can be wrong. Setting this will override the guessed hostname.

-Dtest.server.port= (default: "0" or "8000")

Browser tests start a local HTTP server. This setting lets you override the server's port. The value 0 means to use any available port.

When actually running tests, the default is 0. But when you do "ant brserve" the default is 8000, since a fixed port is more convenient for manual testing.

-Dtest.threads= (default: "2")

runtests uses limited parallelism to finish faster. Use "-Dtest.threads=1" to disable parallel execution.

Setting test.threads to more than 2 will probably not speed up tests much, because most of the time is spent on browser tests, which run sequentially.

-Dtest.webdriver.url= (default: "")

When this is non-null, browser tests are run on a remote webdriver instead of a local webdriver.

The value should be something like http://remotehost:4444/ or http://remotehost:4444/wd/hub/


Any property that starts with "testonly." will be passed through to the test runner, but with the "testonly." prefix removed. This is useful for properties that you want visible to tests but not visible to ant.


Any property starting with "webdriver." will be passed through to the test runner unchanged.

-Dwebdriver.firefox.bin= (default: system-dependent search)

Overrides the automatic search for the Firefox exectuable when testing Firefox.

Local browser testing


ant brtest

Firefox is the default browser for testing. The test driver tries to find firefox in standard system locations, including your PATH.

You can override the location with "-Dwebdriver.firefox.bin=..."


ant brtest -Dtest.browser=chrome

First, you need chromedriver, which is available here.

Use the chromedriver2 builds. The older chromedriver is unable to talk to Chrome version 29 and later.

If chromedriver isn't in your PATH, you can specify the location with ""

chromedriver looks for Chrome in standard system locations. You can override that with ""

On MacOS, should point at the "Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome" binary inside the app bundle.

If you want more control over chromedriver settings, start it manually and treat it like a remote browser, described below.


Doesn't work yet. Remote testing of Safari does work, so just treat local Safari as a remote browser on localhost.

Note, browser-expectations has a test that will fail if Safari blocks popups. You need to manually disable the popup blocker for that to pass.

Remote browser testing

First you need to start a webdriver server on the remote host.

webdriver server for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-{VERSION}.jar

Run that on the remote host, which can be Linux, MacOS, or Windows. There's a copy of selenium-server-standalone in third_party/java/webdriver, but any recent version should be fine.

For Chrome testing, the remote host will also need the chromedriver program, which is explained in the "Local browser testing" section above.

If you only want to test Chrome, you can ignore selenium-server-standalone and just run chromedriver directly on the remote host to provide webdriver service.

webdriver server for IE

You need to run IEDriverServer from here. This page has more information on starting and configuring the IE webdriver server.

running the tests

ant brtest -Dtest.browser=... -Dtest.webdriver.url=http://...

test.browser can be "chrome", "firefox" (default), "ie", or "safari".

For remote Linux and MacOS, test.webdriver.url should be something like http://remote:4444/wd/hub

For remote Windows, test.webdriver.url should be something like http://remote:4444/

You can verify the remote webdriver works by fetching the URL http://remote:4444/wd/hub/status or http://remote:4444/status

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