Use permRS to created a backup of file permissions just in case you accidentally run chmod where you are not supposed to.
permrs [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-r, --restore Restore unix permissions
-s, --save Save unix permissions
-V, --version Prints version information
-p, --path <path> Set path to save permissions [Default: ~/]
To Save all permissions starting from root
sudo permrs -sp /
To Save all permissions in your home folder
permrs -sp ~/
To save permisions in your working path
permrs -sp ./
To restore your permissions
permrs -r
If you ran permrs -s as root use restore as root.
sudo permrs -r
Refer the AUR package.
permRS will automatically skip any directories or files you do not have access to as a regular user.
Run permRS as root if you want your permissions on all your directorties or files.
Requirements: Rust, Cargo
git clone
cd permrs
cargo build --release
Binary will be created in /permrs/target/release/