GetBackFacebookPhoto is a perl script which download or help you to download all photos in high res of a public facebook account or an account you can access you.
This code is released under GPL license.
You must install perl and perl module WWW::Mechanize::Firefox, JSON and File::Path You can install each module by cpan, like that cpan WWW:Mechanize::Firefox
You must install Firefox and the Plugin MozRepl -->
- Read the page Photostream
- Get FBID of each picture
- Read the page where 659903270000000 is the FBID get back before
- Get the direct to the high res picture
- You can write all link into a text file and download it with command wget -i url.txt or you can download the picture directly
Parameters to change
- Name or id of the account you want to extract photos my $facebookAccountToGet = "xxxxxxxxxxxx";
- Credential to connect on facebook if you need to connect to access the account my $facebookUser = ''; my $facebookPwd = '';
- $exportUrlToFile if 1 export image url to url.txt else download image my $exportUrlToFile = 0;
- debug my $debug = 0;