A work in progress emulator for the Chip8 instruction set written for fun.
This is a very basic emulator of the standard Chip8 instruction set. It is capable of playing roms (No sound). More features to come later.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- In your CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH location, include an SDL2 package.
- Run the following commands in cmd/powershell for building with CMake:
cd "{Path to project directory}"
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build . --config {Release or Debug}
- Alternatively, use CMakeTools in VSCode.
- From your SDL2 download, in the folder ~/SDL2/bin/x64, copy SDL2.dll to the folder {Path to project directory}/build/{Debug or release}.
- Run the executable.
The valid keys for interacting with the roms are currently:
1 2 3 4
q w e r
a s d f
z x c v
- 0: Toggle stepping mode. Processes 1 instruction at a time.
- UP ARROW: While in stepping mode, move forward one instruction.
Currently only loads roms from a "roms" folder in the same directory as the executable. When loading the program, type the name of a rom in the folder including the .ch8 extension.