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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 16, 2021. It is now read-only.


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@passsy passsy released this 25 Apr 17:39
· 301 commits to master since this release


Most likely the last RC before releasing 0.8.0 🎉


  • Bugfix: TiPresenter gets destroyed when TiFragment gets removed from the FragmentManager #78 #33 #83 #68
  • New: TiFragment supports the backstack #78
  • New: restrict TiActivity, TiFragment... API for subclasses. #79
  • New: @CallSuper where a super call is required. #79
  • Deprecation: TiConfiguration#setUseStaticSaviorToRetain(Boolean) is now deprecated. The Savior singleton is always used to retain presenters when TiConfiguration#setRetainPresenterEnabled(true). This also means that TiActivity dropped support for the NonConfigurationInstance API #78
  • Change: TiFragment was initially using setRetainInstanceState(true). TiFragment uses now the default: setRetainInstanceState(false). When you try to set TiFragment#setRetainInstanceState(true) it will throw. #78 #67
  • New: No hard checks required to detect "Don't keep Activities", destroying the TiPresenter works now with the Activity API only. #78


  • New: manage*Subscription will now return Subscription #73
  • Change: manage*Subscription(Subscription...) is now manage*Subscriptions(Subscription...) (note the S here), was introduced in an earlier RC and is no breaking change. #73


  • New: manage* Disposable will not return Disposable #73
  • Change: manage* Disposable(Disposable...) is now manage* Disposables(Disposable...) (note the S here 😉), was introduced in an earlier RC and is no breaking change. #73


  • New: retrolambda support #69 thx @jonathan-caryl
  • New: FragmentLifecycleActivity to test Fragments #78
  • New: LifecycleViewPagerActivity to test Fragments in a ViewPager #84

New: logginginterceptor

  • New: LoggingInterceptor logs all method calls to the TiView interface to TiLog for debugging. Don't forget to enable TiLog or pass a custom Logger to the LoggingInterceptor constructor. #85

compile "net.grandcentrix.thirtyinch:thirtyinch-logginginterceptor:$thirtyinchVersion"

    // register TiLog in your Application
    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {

public class MyActivity extends TiActivity<MyPresenter, MyView> implements MyView {

    public MyActivity() {
        // log by default to TiLog
        addBindViewInterceptor(new LoggingInterceptor());

       // log to logcat for debug builds
        addBindViewInterceptor(new LoggingInterceptor(BuildConfig.DEBUG ? TiLog.LOGCAT : null));

