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A serializer for doing snapshot testing of GraphQL schemas using the Jest testing framework.

This serializer only works on instances of the GraphQLSchema class exported from graphql-js. It does not work on AST objects.

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First, add this package as a devDependency:

# With npm
npm install --save-dev jest-serializer-graphql-schema@beta

# With yarn
yarn add --dev jest-serializer-graphql-schema@beta

Next, update your package.json file to let Jest know about the serializer:

"jest": {
  "snapshotSerializers": ["jest-serializer-graphql-schema"]

Simple Example

This test introspects the Pokemon GraphQL API to verify that the schema is consistent.

import fetch from "node-fetch";
import {
} from "graphql";

const getSchema = async (url: string) => {
  const response = await fetch(url, {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({ query: getIntrospectionQuery() }),
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
  const result = await (response.json() as Promise<{
    data: IntrospectionQuery;
  return buildClientSchema(;

test("Pokemon GraphQL API has a consistent schema", async () => {
  const schema = await getSchema("");

This test will produce the following snapshot:

// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`Pokemon GraphQL API has a consistent schema 1`] = `
"""Represents a Pokémon's attack types"""
type Attack {
  """The name of this Pokémon attack"""
  name: String

  """The type of this Pokémon attack"""
  type: String

  """The damage of this Pokémon attack"""
  damage: Int

"""Represents a Pokémon"""
type Pokemon {
  """The ID of an object"""
  id: ID!

  """The identifier of this Pokémon"""
  number: String

  """The name of this Pokémon"""
  name: String

  """The minimum and maximum weight of this Pokémon"""
  weight: PokemonDimension

  """The minimum and maximum weight of this Pokémon"""
  height: PokemonDimension

  """The classification of this Pokémon"""
  classification: String

  """The type(s) of this Pokémon"""
  types: [String]

  """The type(s) of Pokémons that this Pokémon is resistant to"""
  resistant: [String]

  """The attacks of this Pokémon"""
  attacks: PokemonAttack

  """The type(s) of Pokémons that this Pokémon weak to"""
  weaknesses: [String]
  fleeRate: Float

  """The maximum CP of this Pokémon"""
  maxCP: Int

  """The evolutions of this Pokémon"""
  evolutions: [Pokemon]

  """The evolution requirements of this Pokémon"""
  evolutionRequirements: PokemonEvolutionRequirement

  """The maximum HP of this Pokémon"""
  maxHP: Int
  image: String

"""Represents a Pokémon's attack types"""
type PokemonAttack {
  """The fast attacks of this Pokémon"""
  fast: [Attack]

  """The special attacks of this Pokémon"""
  special: [Attack]

"""Represents a Pokémon's dimensions"""
type PokemonDimension {
  """The minimum value of this dimension"""
  minimum: String

  """The maximum value of this dimension"""
  maximum: String

"""Represents a Pokémon's requirement to evolve"""
type PokemonEvolutionRequirement {
  """The amount of candy to evolve"""
  amount: Int

  """The name of the candy to evolve"""
  name: String

"""Query any Pokémon by number or name"""
type Query {
  query: Query
  pokemons(first: Int!): [Pokemon]
  pokemon(id: String, name: String): Pokemon


Sorting Schemas

Note that by default, schemas are not sorted before serialization. This means that if the content of the schema is reordered, your snapshot test will fail. If you don't care about the order of the content of your schema, sort your schema before calling .toMatchSnapshot(), like this:

import { lexicographicSortSchema } from "graphql";

test("Pokemon GraphQL API has a consistent schema", async () => {
  const schema = await getSchema("");