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grdddj committed Dec 6, 2019
1 parent 29107d8 commit 7f243b5
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Showing 3 changed files with 581 additions and 88 deletions.
360 changes: 360 additions & 0 deletions Python/Ultimate PDF highlighter/
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@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
This file stores hepler functions to enable PDF highlight scripts run smoothly
without the main code being polluted with unnecessary logic.

import pyautogui

class Helpers:
def _get_position_of_object(object_image_location: str,
confidence_of_locating: float = 1,
coords_and_square_size: dict = None) -> dict:
Determines the position of a certain object on the screen.
When we suspect the object will be around a certain location,
we can input dictionary with these data, and it will
first investigate this smaller location - thus making
the search possibly quicker that searching in the whole screen
Using None as a default argument, because using empty dictionary is bad:

# Trying to locate the object in the vicinity of current position (if wanted)
if coords_and_square_size is not None:
# Getting the coordination of the region
region_where_to_look = Helpers.__safely_create_square_region_on_the_screen(

# Trying to locate the object in a small region
position_of_object = pyautogui.locateOnScreen(

# If we managed to find the object in the smaller region, return it
# Otherwise the object will be searched for on the whole screen
if position_of_object:
return {"found": True, "coords": position_of_object}

# Locating the object on the whole screen (after first trial failed
# or was not even wanted)
position_of_object = pyautogui.locateOnScreen(

return {"found": position_of_object is not None,
"coords": position_of_object}

def __safely_create_square_region_on_the_screen(x_coord: int,
y_coord: int,
square_size: int,
screen_size: tuple,
region_type: str = "pyautogui") -> tuple:
Determines a square region on the screen, that has a defined square size
and is surrounding the point with given x and y coordinates.
It tries to put the point in the middle of the square, but when the
point is close to screen boundary, it is not possible - in this case
it returns still the same-sized square, but fully located on
the screen.

# There are two possibilities of returning the result:
# Pyautogui needs format (x_upper_left_corner, y_upper_left_corner,
# x_rectangle_length, y_rectangle_length), whereas PIL demands
# (x_upper_left_corner, y_upper_left_corner, x_bottom_right_corner,
# y_bottom_right_corner)
assert(region_type in ["pyautogui", "PIL"])

# Finding out the resolution of the screen, to righly construct the square
x_screen_size, y_screen_size = screen_size

# Guard against square sizes bigger than the whole screen
assert(square_size <= x_screen_size and square_size <= y_screen_size)

# Calculating the coordinates of ideal top-left square corner
x_corner = int(x_coord - square_size / 2)
y_corner = int(y_coord - square_size / 2)

# Transforming the possibly negative coordinates to non-negative,
# as negative coordinations do not exist
x_corner = x_corner if x_corner > -1 else 0
y_corner = y_corner if y_corner > -1 else 0

# Identifying if the square would be outside the screen, and if so,
# adjust the corner further from the border, to fix this
if x_corner + square_size >= x_screen_size:
x_corner = x_screen_size - square_size - 1
if y_corner + square_size >= y_screen_size:
y_corner = y_screen_size - square_size - 1

# Last sanity check before returning
assert(0 <= x_corner < x_screen_size - square_size)
assert(0 <= y_corner < y_screen_size - square_size)

if region_type == "pyautogui":
return (x_corner, y_corner, square_size, square_size)
elif region_type == "PIL":
return(x_corner, y_corner, x_corner + square_size, y_corner + square_size)

def _locate_pixel_in_the_image(PIL_image,
colour_to_match: tuple,
x_coord: int,
y_coord: int,
square_size: int,
pixels_to_skip_on_margin_if_possible: int,
grid_size_when_searching: int) -> dict:
Searching the image for a certain pixel, according to supplied
At the beginning smaller area around a certain point is searched,
as there is the highest chance of locating what we want.

# First checking if the pixel colour to match really exists in the image
# In the negative case immediately return that there is nothing
is_there_my_colour = Helpers.__is_there_a_colour_in_a_PIL_image(

if not is_there_my_colour["is_there"]:
return {"should_i_click": False, "coords": None}

# There is a high chance the mouse will be already pointing at
# our desired pixel, so before investigating bigger picture
# try to see if we are not already there
if PIL_image.getpixel((x_coord, y_coord)) == colour_to_match:
return {"should_i_click": True, "coords": (x_coord, y_coord)}

# If we are not so lucky, we have to examine the image more thoroughly
# Getting the coordination of our region in vicinity of cursor
region_where_to_look = Helpers.__safely_create_square_region_on_the_screen(

# Trying to locate our colour in our region
is_there_colour_in_region = Helpers.__is_there_a_colour_in_a_PIL_image(

# If we manage to locate it in our smaller region, locate it there
if is_there_colour_in_region["is_there"]:
x_values_list = Helpers.__generate_list_from_range_starting_in_the_middle(

for x_value in x_values_list:
analyze_y_axis = Helpers._search_the_y_axis_for_pixel(

if analyze_y_axis["success"]:
return {"should_i_click": True, "coords": analyze_y_axis["coords"]}
# If it is not in out smaller region, we must find it in the whole image
# Starting with the current grid size, and if we are not successful
# divide it by two, so at the end we really examine all the pixels
while grid_size_when_searching // 2 > 0:
x_values_list = Helpers.__generate_list_from_range_starting_in_the_middle(
higher_end=PIL_image.size[0] - 1,

y_coord_in_the_middle = PIL_image.size[1] // 2

for x_value in x_values_list:
analyze_y_axis = Helpers._search_the_y_axis_for_pixel(

if analyze_y_axis["success"]:
return {"should_i_click": True, "coords": analyze_y_axis["coords"]}

grid_size_when_searching = grid_size_when_searching // 2

# It should never reach this assert, because the colour was identified
# in the image, and in the end we searched it pixel by pixel, so
# something must have gone wrong
assert False

def __generate_list_from_range_starting_in_the_middle(
lower_end: int,
higher_end: int,
step: int,
first_direction_from_middle: str = None) -> list:
Generates a list of numbers starting at the middle of the range
and continuing gradually to the edges

assert(lower_end < higher_end)
assert(step > 0)
assert(first_direction_from_middle in [None, "up", "down", "mixed"])

middle_point = int((lower_end + higher_end) / 2)

bottom_part = []
middle_part = [middle_point]
upper_part = []

# Filling the bottom part
current_point = middle_point
while current_point > lower_end:
current_point -= step
if current_point > lower_end:

# Filling the upper part
current_point = middle_point
while current_point < higher_end:
current_point += step
if current_point < higher_end:

# Starting from the middle position, and serving other parts
# according to the wanted direction
# First going through the bottom part
if first_direction_from_middle in [None, "down"]:
resulting_list = middle_part + bottom_part + upper_part
# First going through the upper part
elif first_direction_from_middle == "up":
resulting_list = middle_part + upper_part + bottom_part
# When there should be mixed direction, taking gradually elements
# from both the bottom and upper part, until they are both
# exhausted
elif first_direction_from_middle == "mixed":
mixed_list = []
max_length = max(len(bottom_part), len(upper_part))
for index in range(max_length):
except IndexError:
except IndexError:
resulting_list = middle_part + mixed_list

return resulting_list

def _search_the_y_axis_for_pixel(PIL_image,
colour_to_match: tuple,
x_coord: int,
y_coord_current: int,
distance_to_search: int,
pixels_to_skip_on_margin_if_possible: int = 0) -> dict:
Examining the given image for a certain pixel on a specific "x"
Starting at the certain point and explore both directions, with
the upward (decreasing "y" coordination) direction at first

screen_x_size, screen_y_size = PIL_image.size

# Determining the ideal boundaries in which to locate the pixel
y_low_boundary = int(y_coord_current - distance_to_search / 2)
y_high_boundary = int(y_coord_current + distance_to_search / 2)

# Transforming the possibly negative y_low_boundary to non-negative,
# as negative coordinations do not exist
if y_low_boundary < 0:
y_low_boundary = 0

# Identifying if the y_high_boundary would be outside the screen,
# and if so, adjust it
if y_high_boundary >= screen_y_size:
y_high_boundary = screen_y_size - 1

# We are "guessing" the most probable position of match is upwards
# on the screen, so create the interval to search accordingly
upward_direction = list(range(y_coord_current, y_low_boundary, -1))
downward_direction = list(range(y_coord_current, y_high_boundary))
y_coords = upward_direction + downward_direction

# Running the searches - depending on whether we want to skip the
# first n pixels on the margin, not to conflict with anything
# EXAMPLE: When there is already some highlighted text between
# the newly highlighted text and the direction we are approaching this,
# the already highlighted one is activated when we click on the
# very margin - and we do not want that
# Therefore we will continue for couple pixels in the same direction
# before searching again, and hopefully click there
if pixels_to_skip_on_margin_if_possible < 1:
for y_coord in y_coords:
pixel = (x_coord, y_coord)
if PIL_image.getpixel(pixel) == colour_to_match:
return {"success": True, "coords": pixel}
margin_pixel_position = None
counter_of_skipped_pixels = 0
margin_found = False

for y_coord in y_coords:
pixel = (x_coord, y_coord)
# If we have not located anything, search for the margin
if not margin_found:
if PIL_image.getpixel(pixel) == colour_to_match:
margin_pixel_position = pixel
margin_found = True
# When the margin is already located, skip next n pixels
if counter_of_skipped_pixels < pixels_to_skip_on_margin_if_possible:
counter_of_skipped_pixels += 1
if PIL_image.getpixel(pixel) == colour_to_match:
return {"success": True, "coords": pixel}

# If we found margin, but nothing else after those pixels to skip,
# return the margin at least
if margin_pixel_position is not None:
return {"success": True, "coords": margin_pixel_position}

# If nothing was ever found, return negative results
return {"success": False, "coords": None}

def __is_there_a_colour_in_a_PIL_image(PIL_image,
colour_to_locate: tuple) -> dict:
Determining whether colour is located in a PIL image
(whether at least one pixel has this specific colour)
It is surprisingly quick, 1920*1080 image with 12,000
colours can identify arbitrary colour there in 0.02 seconds

# Getting the list of all colours in that image
ocurrences_and_colours = PIL_image.getcolors(maxcolors=66666)

# Trying to locate our wanted colour there
for ocurrence, colour in ocurrences_and_colours:
if colour == colour_to_locate:
return {"is_there": True, "ocurrences": ocurrence}
return {"is_there": False, "ocurrences": None}

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