Glad to see you here, we hope you will enjoy these challenges. If you complete a step, please notify the mentor.
- Open the following CodePen link: It will contain an HTML example, that shows four yellow boxes on the bottom.
- Please fork the project (don't sign up for CodePen).
- Your task is to modify the code of your forked project
- Make the 3rd box's border blue and its background purple
- Create a fifth box with green background and blue border
- Roll with D4!
- 1 -> Bubble sort
- 2 -> Insertion sort
- 3 -> Selection sort
- 4 -> Cocktail Shaker sort
- There are four lists of numbers: (Roll with D4 again!)
- 1 -> [8,2,1,3,7,6,9]
- 2 -> [5,1,2,9,7,3,8]
- 3 -> [1,7,3,6,8,2,9]
- 4 -> [9,3,5,8,1,7,2]
- We sort the picked list with the selected algorithm, to order the numbers. For example: [8,2,1,3,7,6,9] -> [1,2,3,6,7,8,9]
- Please describe the state of the list in the first eight steps(swap or not) only.
- On the given micro:bit board draw a smile on the LED matrix for one seconds if the button is pressed on the board
- Sign up for CodeAcademy
- Open the following CodeAcademy link:
- Please tell the mentor if you made progress on that course before this event
- Start the lesson