CNOnt-Broker is a system which provides connection between cloud native ontology
and Kubernetes cluster. Using Web Ontology Language (OWL) language.
Application expose web API which is used by a client application.
git clone
cd CNOnt-Broker
docker-compose up --build
If you would like to run server directly on your machine run:
export GO111MODULE=on
cd core
go run main.go --kubeconfig <PATH_TO_KUBE_CONFIG> --logLevel <LOGLEVEL>
Make sure to set GO111MODULE to on. Without this issues with dependencies can occur.
Install kind - tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container "nodes".
If you have go (1.11+) and docker installed:
GO111MODULE="on" go get
If you would like to have access to kind from your console run:
kubectl config use-context kind-<cluster name>
Set up cluster by running:
cd cluster
You are ready to go!
File cluster-config.yaml contains configuration for cluster. Visit link for more details.
Script by default creates admin account, which access token can be obtained by running script in cluster directory.
Documentation can be found here.
According to kubernetes/kubeadm#1292, there can occur bug where corde-dns remains in CrashLoopBackOff state.
To fix this:
kubectl -n kube-system edit configmap coredns
Remove or comment out the line with loop, save and exit.
kubectl -n kube-system delete pod -l k8s-app=kube-dns
System is able to create deployment based on the ontology file.
Every system element runs in its own docker container.
There are three of them:
- Web API servercluster
- Kubernetes clusterclient
- client application created in React
Kubernetes cluster creates proxy on port 8001
and can be accessed from other containers and host machine. Client application exposes port 3000
on localhost
. Server application exposes port 8080
Deployment is created based on file core/ontology/asssets/CNOnt.owl
which is OWL file with functional syntax. If file is incorrect in some way, deployment won't be created and API would return error code and message.
Server exposes three enpoints:
- creates deploymentapi/v1/delete-deployment
- delete deployment if existsapi/v1/preview-deployment
- returns preview of deployment/api/v1/serialize-cluster-conf
- create a cluster mapping based on used ontology template file