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go package for grgd

grgd is a cli framework extending "" with user, project and service definitions. Create your own powerful cli with persistence.

Getting started

Test the embeded example cli:

go run example/main.go

Here you should say what actually happens when you execute the code above.

                                            _          version   0.0.1                         |
   ___  __  __   __ _   _ __ ___    _ __   | |   ___   profile   gregor                        |
  / _ \ \ \/ /  / _` | | '_ ` _ \  | '_ \  | |  / _ \  project   examplestack                      |
 |  __/  >  <  | (_| | | | | | | | | |_) | | | |  __/  grgdDir   /Users/gregor/.grgd           |
  \___| /_/\_\  \__,_| |_| |_| |_| | .__/  |_|  \___|  hackDir   /Users/gregor/.grgd/hack      |
                                   |_|                 |

example [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
  /// group-1 \\\
      my-commands-group-1  ->  do some stuff

  /// settings \\\
      update               ->  Check and load updates
      profile              ->  Configuration for profiles
      project              ->  Configuration for projects
      service              ->  Configuration for services

      --profile value, -p value  (default: "gregor") [$USER]
      --log-level value          (default: "info")
      --version, -v              print the version (default: false)

Initial Configuration

grgd uses an extendable persistence backend to configure your profiles, projects and services. Per default a sqlite DB is used and safed at ~/.grgd/


To start your own implementation define which dependecies you want to rewrite and which you want to reuse:

func main() {
	log := logger.ProvideLogrusLogger()
	dependecies := map[string]interface{}{
		"ILogger":     logger.ProvideLogrusLogger,
		"IConfig":     config.ProvideConfig,
		"IHelper":     helper.ProvideHelper,
		"INetworker":  helper.ProvideNetworker,
		"IDAL":        gormdal.ProvideDAL,
		"IProfile":    profile.ProvideProfile,
		"IUIPlugin":   view.ProvideFallbackUI,
		"my-commands": ProvideCommands,
	core, err := core.RegisterDependecies(dependecies)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error with register dependencies: %s", err.Error())

	grgd.NewApp(core, "example", "0.0.1", nil)

Feel free to add any function pointers to the list of dependencies. In this example the key my-commands is added with the value of pointer to function that returns customized commands.

		"my-commands": ProvideCommands,


Run go build:

go build -o myapp *.go




"If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome."



"The code in this project is licensed under MIT license."