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StatR 502

File hosting site for StatR 502.

To sync files, students should just need to pull from this repository.

Initial set-up

You will need to have Git installed. In RStudio, if you go to Tools > Global Options > Git/SVN. There is a line for Git Executable, it will either have a file path to your Git executable file and you're good to go, or you need to install git and then add the file path (RStudio might automatically find it it you quit and re-open RStudio).

Once RStudio knows where your Git installation is, open File > New Project > Version Control > Git. Enter as the Repository URL, you can use the default directory name of statr or customize it.

Subsequent data pulls

In RStudio, when this project is open, you should have a Git tab, just like your Plots, Help, Packages, etc. tabs. To update your files, simply go to the Git tab and click Pull.

Do not edit the files that are pulled (but you can copy and rename them and edit the copies). Whenever you Pull, Git will download any new files I have added to the repository and update existing files with any changes I have made.

Table of Contents

Lecture Topics Lab Topics
Week 0 - Reproducible Reporting with knitr
Week 1 Likelihood, linear regression Charts with ggplot2
Week 2 Transformations and diagnostics Data manipulation with tidyr and dplyr
Week 3 Logistic regression Visualizing logistic regression (and a little regex)
Week 4 Other GLMs, outliers Robust regression
Week 5 Simulation, Box-Cox, packages Packages and documentation
Week 6 Smoothers: loess, splines, GAM Building packages
Week 7 Best practices in workflow and vis Using packages in your package
Week 8 Multilevel models Bootstrapping confidence intervals
Week 9 Collinearity, more mixed modeling Ecological fallacy, mixed model predictions
Week 10 Review; mentions of other useful models -


File hosting for StatR 502







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