Releases: gretelai/gretel-python-client
Releases · gretelai/gretel-python-client
Full Changelog: v0.16.16...v0.16.17
- Add client support for MQS test splits
- Check if response is None on client config retry
Full Changelog: v0.16.15...v0.16.16
- do not propagate log handler by Johnny Greco
- move unit test to integration; update Gretel docstring by Johnny Greco
- High level interface/fix api key bug by Johnny Greco
- do not propagate log handler by Johnny Greco
- move unit test to integration; update Gretel docstring by Johnny Greco
- High level interface/fix api key bug by Johnny Greco
- CSSE-24: high-level SDK by Johnny Greco
- PLAT-1092: Add connection config field to API by Drew Newberry
- Allow agent project param to be CSV by theonlyrob
- Update CLI connection loading logic by Drew Newberry
- Move gretel_tabllm to monogretel. by Piotr Mlocek
- PLAT-1045 Support Hybrid as a job mode by Matt Kornfield
- Change time for cancel in wfl cli test by Anastasia Nesterenko
- INT-1396: Add
as an expandable field for workflows by Max Dubrinsky - Fix openapi_generator rule for api_bindings_v1 and run make sync by Malte Isberner
- Support multiple project ids in receive_one by Malte Isberner
- Generate python bindings with openapi gen version 6.5 by Malte Isberner
- Add workflow update to CLI by Anastasia Nesterenko
Full Changelog: v0.16.14...v0.16.15
Full Changelog: v0.16.13...v0.16.14
What's changed
- Refresh the project ID in the gretel-agent by @misberner and @mckornfield
- Attempt disk cleanup in CI jobs by @mckornfield
Full Changelog: v0.16.12...v0.16.13
What's Changed
- Pandas and typing by @mikeknep
- Extract utility for patching hybrid auth by @mckornfield
- PLAT-588: Python v1 binding updates by @drew
- Fix failing style checks by @drew in #79
- Add extras for the gretel_client by @mckornfield in #78
- Add get_artifact_handle for Jobs by @mckornfield
Full Changelog: v0.16.11...v0.16.12
Full Changelog: v0.16.10...v0.16.11
What's changed
- Add parent requirements.txt to the gretel-client RTD venv @matthewgrossman 35a89e9
- Add _static/styles.css which should fix search, and be more onbrand @matthewgrossman 3b341d1
- Allow user to use any number of rows or columns for reports @tylersbray fef652d
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme @matthewgrossman 83debf1
- Missing import statement and wiring @tylersbray 387b6f5
- Relax pyyaml pin for gretel-client @mckornfield 5c3e3a3
- Update README badges @mckornfield 9f5ebcd
Full Changelog: v0.16.9...v0.16.10
What's changed
- Remove unused imports @mikeknep
- Hybrid validate @mikeknep
- Create .readthedocs.yaml (#77) @matthewgrossman
What's Changed
- Create .readthedocs.yaml by @matthewgrossman in #77
New Contributors
- @matthewgrossman made their first contribution in #77
Full Changelog: v0.16.8...v0.16.9
What's changed
- Add client support for text metrics report
- Bump sphinx for docs
Full Changelog: v0.16.7...v0.16.8