Debugging tool for JS reactive programming libraries.
This library allows to visualize streams in order to debug reactive javascript programming applications. Currently supported libraries are:
- Bacon.js -
- RxJS -
- Kefir.js -
You can just initialize constructor without options:
var percussion = new Percussion();
And then add as many streams as you want:
Then, you will see streams represented as lines, and events represented as circles in those lines. You can mouse-hover in the circles in order to see their values in a tooltip, or click them to see their values in the browser debugger console.
You can stop debugging with:
And then recover execution with:
By default, data visualization will automatically be scrolled in order to see last stream events. You can disable this in runtime with:
and enable again with:
- lineSize: Height of the stream line in px. Default: 20
- pointSize: Width of the event point in px. Default: 10
- speed: Speed of stream visualization in px/sample. Default: 20
- timeout: Time of each sample in ms. Default: 250
- autoScroll: Whether if data visualization will automatically do scroll or not. Default: true
- print = Whether if event values will be printed in the stream visualization or not. Default: false
- colors: Array of colors for events in each stream. Will be repeated cyclically. Default: ['#F00', '#0F0', '#00F']
- textColors = Array of text colors for events in each stream (visible only if print == true). Should be the same size as colors, and also, will be repeated cyclically. Default: ['#FFF', '#FFF', '#FFF']
- position = HTML Element where data visualization will be injected. Notice this needs to be a pure Element, so if you use libraries like jQuery, you need to convert it (i.e.: $('#canvas')[0]). Default: document.body
var percussion = new Percussion(
position: document.getElementById('canvas'),
speed: 200
grisendo: Francisco J. Cruz Romanos