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Check chef cookbooks for lints and checkstyle as pre-commit hooks


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Chef Laughing 🐙

Chef laughing octo laughs at your code when you dont pass its checkstyle , lint and spec criteria.

We have used out of the box hooks for pre-commit for developement and are taken from Pre-commits

How to use this in your Chef git repo ?

Install Dependencies

We use python module to run the 3 exectutables from OS (foodcritic, cookstyle, rspec) you can use any one or all as you want so you can skip un wanted deps. Make sure you have installed

  1. foodcritic: gem install foodcritic See also
  2. cookstyle: gem install cookstyle requires Ruby >= 2.4. See also
  3. rspec: gem install rspec See also
  4. pre-commit: pip install pre-commit this is needed so that our pre-commits work.


  1. Create a file .pre-commit-config.yaml in your root folder of repo (where you have .git)
  2. Add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml
-  repo:
   sha: ''   # Use the sha you want to point at release tag or a commit
    - id: check-foodcritic   # if you want to run foodcritic for cookbooks in repo
    - id: check-rspec      # if you want to run rspec for recipies in the repo
    - id: check-cookstyle  # if you want to run cookstyle for cookbooks in repo

Hooks are available in chef-pre-commit-hooks folder

  • check-rspec
  • check-foodcritic
  • check-cookstyle