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5.1.0 Release Notes

Eric Milles edited this page Sep 29, 2023 · 1 revision

Greclipse 5.1.0 was released on September 29th 2023.

New and Noteworthy

Support for new versions of Groovy

  • Groovy 5.0.0-alpha-2

  • Groovy 4.0.15

  • Groovy 3.0.19

    📋 The new antlr4-based Parrot Parser is disabled by default. To enable it, add -Dgroovy.antlr4=true to your eclipse.ini file after the -vmargs line or add a compiler config script to your project with configuration.pluginFactory = org.codehaus.groovy.control.ParserPluginFactory.antlr4(). Please note that parser recovery is not implemented for the Parrot Parser, so your editing experience may be sub-par in this mode.

Support for new version of Eclipse

  • Eclipse 4.29 (2023-09)

Compiler Fixes

Debug Support

  • debug expression support for primitive variables

  • debug expression support for method references

  • detail formatter and logical structure support for same-package type references

  • exclude unreferenced imports for evaluation expressions and conditional breakpoints

📋 Groovy debug support can be disabled by setting system property eclipse.groovy.debug to false.

Syntax Highlighting and Type Inferencing

  • script containing class that extends Script

  • closure annotation attributes



  • trait properties and methods



  • groovy-contracts



Resolved Issues

  • 1491: Fix debug expression support for primitive variables
  • 1492: Fix debug expression support for method references
  • 1493: Fix detail formatter and logical structure support for same-package type references
  • 1494: Add support for Eclipse 4.29 (2023-09)
  • 1496: Exclude unreferenced imports for evaluation expressions and conditional breakpoints
  • 1497: Fix code hover for closure annotation attributes
  • 1501: Fix type inferencing, syntax highlighting and code completion for groovy-contracts
  • 1503: Fix auto completion and code navigation for script containing class that extends Script
  • 1504: Add support for Groovy 3.0.19
  • 1505: Add support for Groovy 4.0.14
  • 1509: Trait properties and methods ignored
  • 1510: Add support for Groovy 4.0.15
  • 1511: Cross-project or library searching fails to find type references for star imports or qualified names
  • 1512: Fix code hover and navigation for type annotations

Update Sites

Use one of the following update sites depending on your version of Eclipse:

Archives of these update sites are also available: