caver-java-ext-kas is caver-java's extension library for using KAS(Klaytn API service).
To install caver-java-ext-kas, you need to install caver-java. To install the latest version of caver-java, you should add a jitpack repository for IPFS feature.
allprojects {
repositories {
... //mavenCentral() or jcenter()
maven { url '' }
implementation 'xyz.groundx.caver:caver-java-ext-kas:X.X.X'
implementation 'xyz.groundx.caver:caver-java-ext-kas:X.X.X-android'
You can find latest caver-java-ext-kas version at release page.
caver-java-ext-kas requires at minimum Java 8+.
For now, you can use Node API, Token History API, Wallet API, Anchor API and KIP-17 API provided by KAS through this library. To use KAS API, the following items are required.
- Access key, secret access key issued by KAS console.
- Base URL to use the API provided by KAS.
- The Klaytn network chain id to be used.
You can activate KAS API by writing code as below.
function can initialize all API provided by KAS.
CaverExtKAS caver = new CaverExtKAS();
caver.initKASAPI(chain_id, accessKey, secretAccessKey);
If you want to initialize API each other, you can use initialize***API()
CaverExtKAS caver = new CaverExtKAS();
caver.initNodeAPI(chain ID, accessKey, secretAccessKey);
caver.initWalletAPI(chain ID, accessKey, secretAccessKey);
caver.initTokenHistoryAPI(chain ID, accessKey, secretAccessKey);
caver.initAnchorAPI(chain ID, accessKey, secretAccessKey);
caver.initKIP17API(chain ID, accessKey, secretAccessKey);
You can now use Node API through com.klaytn.caver.rpc.Klay
class in caver-java library. You can send a Node API requests to the KAS as shown below and check the results.
public void getBlockNumber() {
try {
Quantity response = caver.rpc.klay.getBlockNumber().send();
} catch(Exception e) {
// Handle error.
You can use Token History API through caver-java-ext-kas. You can send a Token History API requests to the KAS as shown below.
public void getFTContractList() {
try {
PageableFtContractDetails details = caver.kas.tokenHistory.getFTContractList();
} catch (ApiException e) {
//Handle error
You can find query options required each Token History API in KAS Docs.
For defining query options, you can use TokenHistoryQueryOptions
TokenHistoryQueryOptions options = new TokenHistoryQueryOptions();
public void getNFTContractList() {
try {
TokenHistoryQueryOptions options = new TokenHistoryQueryOptions();
PageableNftContractDetails details = caver.kas.tokenHistory.getNFTContractList(options);
} catch (ApiException e) {
//handle error
You can use Wallet API through caver-java-ext-kas. You can send a Wallet API requests to the KAS as shown below.
public void createAccount() {
try {
Account account = caver.kas.wallet.createAccount();
} catch (ApiException e) {
//handle error
You can find query options required each Wallet API in KAS Docs.
For defining query options, you can use WalletQueryOptions
WalletQueryOptions options = new WalletQueryOptions();
You can use Anchor API through caver-java-ext-kas. You can send a Anchor API request to the KAS as shown below.
public void getOperators() {
try {
Operators res = caver.kas.anchor.getOperators();
} catch(ApiException e) {
//handle error
You can find query options required each Anchor API in KAS Docs.
For defining query options, you can use AnchorQueryOptions
AnchorQueryOptions options = new AnchorQueryOptions();
You can use KIP-17 API through caver-java-ext-kas. You can send a KIP-17 API request to the KAS as shown below.
public void getContractList() {
try {
Kip17ContractListResponse response = caver.kas.kip17.getContractList();
} catch(ApiException e) {
//handle error
You can find query options required each KIP-17 API in KAS Docs.
For defining query options, you can use KIP17QueryOptions
KIP17QueryOptions options = new KIP17QueryOptions();
You can use KIP-7 API through caver-java-ext-kas. You can send a KIP-7 API request to the KAS as shown below.
public void getContractList() {
try {
Kip7ContractListResponse response = caver.kas.kip7.getContractList();
} catch(ApiException e) {
//handle error
You can find query options required each KIP-7 API in KAS Docs.
For defining query options, you can use KIP7QueryOptions
KIP7QueryOptions options = new KIP7QueryOptions();
You can use KIP-37 API through caver-java-ext-kas. You can send a KIP-37 API request to the KAS as shown below.
public void getContractList() {
try {
Kip37ContractListResponse response = caver.kas.kip37.getContractList();
} catch(ApiException e) {
//handle error
You can find query options required each KIP-37 API in KAS Docs.
For defining query options, you can use KIP37QueryOptions
KIP37QueryOptions options = new KIP37QueryOptions();
KASWallet allows you to handle transaction instance in caver-java by using KAS Wallet API.
- Generate and manage accounts by using KAS Wallet API.
- Sign a transaction instance in caver-java by using KAS Wallet API.
KASWallet can be used as a member called wallet
of the CaverExtKAS
The CaverExtKAS
class can provide the same usability as the 'wallet' of Caver
class in caver-java through KASWallet.
Also, Contract
, KIP7
, KIP17
classes in caver-java can be used the same as the existing caver-java.
Here we introduced a simple example using Contract, KIP7 and KIP17 respectively. Please refer to Contract, KIP7 and KIP17 of Klaytn Docs for detailed usage.
final String ABI = "[{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"key\",\"type\":\"string\"}],\"name\":\"get\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"string\"}],\"payable\":false,\"stateMutability\":\"view\",\"type\":\"function\"},...]";
final String BINARY = "Smart contract binary Data";
String accessKey = "your access key";
String secretAccessKey = "your secret access key";
CaverExtKAS caver = new CaverExtKAS(ChainId.BAOBAB_TESTNET, accessKey, secretAccessKey);
Contract contract = new Contract(caver, abi);
//Deploy Contract
String account = "0x{address}";
BigInteger gas = BigInteger.valueOf(10000000);
SendOptions sendOptions = new SendOptions(account, gas);
contract.deploy(sendOptions, BINARY);
//Execute contract's "set" function.
SendOptions sendOptions = new SendOptions(account, BigInteger.valueOf(5000000));
TransactionReceipt.TransactionReceiptData receiptData = contract.send(sendOptions, "set", "key", "value");
String accessKey = "your access key";
String secretAccessKey = "your secret access key";
CaverExtKAS caver = new CaverExtKAS(ChainId.BAOBAB_TESTNET, accessKey, secretAccessKey);
String from = "0x{from address}";
String to = "0x{to address}";
//deploy KIP7 contract
BigInteger initialSupply = BigInteger.TEN.multiply(BigInteger.TEN.pow(18)); // 10 * 10^18
KIP7 kip7 = KIP7.deploy(caver, from, "KAS", "SDK", 18, iniinitialSupply);
//execute KIP7's transfer function.
BigInteger transferAmount = BigInteger.ONE.multiply(BigInteger.TEN.pow(18));
SendOptions sendOptions = new SendOptions(from, (String)null);
TransactionReceipt.TransactionReceiptData receiptData = kip7.transfer(to, amount, sendOptions);
String accessKey = "your access key";
String secretAccessKey = "your secret access key";
CaverExtKAS caver = new CaverExtKAS(ChainId.BAOBAB_TESTNET, accessKey, secretAccessKey);
//deploy KIP17 contract.
String from = "0x{from address}";
KIP17 kip17 = KIP17.deploy(caver, from, name, symbol);
//execute KIP17's mint function.
SendOptions sendOptions = new SendOptions(from, (String)null);
TransactionReceipt.TransactionReceiptData receiptData =, from, BigInteger.ZERO);
When an error occurs while using KAS Wallet API in KASWallet
class, it throws KASAPIException
(extends RuntimeException).
KASAPIException has HTTP Error code and message and also it contains response body.
Below is an example code that handles the error that occurred while executing the KAS Wallet API.
try {
String unKnownAddress = "0x785ba1146cc1bed97b9c8d73e9293cc3b6bc3691";
Account account = caver.wallet.getAccount(unKnownAddress);
} catch (KASAPIException e) {
System.out.println(e.getcode()); // 400
System.out.println(e.getMessage()); // "Bad Request"
System.out.println(e.getResponseBody().getCode()); // 1061010
System.out.println(e.getResponseBody().getMessage()); // "data don't exist"
Before testing, you need to either modify the data in "" or use ".env" to set the data required for testing. If you use ".env", you must set variable below.
ACCESS_KEY= //KAS service access key
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= //KAS service secret access key
SENDER_PRV_KEY= // A account's private key that has klay
FEE_PAYER_ADDR= // UserFeePayer address set in console(Wallet)
OPERATOR= // Operator address set in console(Anchor)
PRESET= // Preset set in console(Token History)