In memory cache implementation in golang.
This package contains a simple in memory caching functionality. It supports simply a lookup with a cache key, which contains an expiration contract. the cache storage is periodically cleaned from old expired cached values.
Note This package is useful for small instances (1-2) and not suitable for complex high traffic systems.
import ""
// generate a new cache instance
c := onecache.New()
// Any struct
m := &MyAwesomeStruct{
// set entry to the cache
c.Set("my-awesome-key", m, 3600) // will expire in one hour
// lookup for entry in cache
v, found := c.Find("my-awesome-key")
if !found {
// logic when cache is missed
In case you want the cache to never expire then pass expiresIn as -1
c.Set("my-awesome-key", m, -1)