Altera Jam STAPL Player with support for 64-bit Windows versions.
Changes with respect to v2.5 from Altera:
- VS2013 solution added (for 32-bit and 64-bit builds)
- Uses the Inpout32 driver library (v1.5.0.0) for parallel port access. (See also
- Raspberry Pi (Linux) support added
Windows: Run jam.exe the first time with administrator permissions to install and load the Inpout32 driver.
Raspberry Pi: Uses the following pins for JTAG programming:
- TCK = Bcm GPIO 7, P1 pin 26 (out)
- TDI = Bcm GPIO 8, P1 pin 24 (out)
- TMS = Bcm GPIO 25, P1 pin 22 (out)
- TDO = Bcm GPIO 24, P1 pin 18 (in) For different pins, change the defines in jamgpio.c