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no fsevents fired (OSX bug)

Cezary Baginski edited this page Apr 6, 2015 · 1 revision

(Disclaimer: written by someone who doesn't even use OSX)

For users:

Symptom: you watch some directories ... and you get no events.

Cause: OSX bug that know one really knows much about

How to reproduce: no one knows

How to fix: rename the folder to a different case (I don't know if upper case or lower case) and then back.

For developers:

The problem: "if realpath() and FSCopyAliasInfo() return different case for a path, then fsevents are not fired."

Ideal solution:

I don't have OSX, but users who do will likely appreciate if some cool hacker would:

  1. create a binary/ext gem that detects the issue (the "compile-it-yourself" tool is here:
  2. possibly include a "fix" option that automatically renames the folder and back
  3. show a message asking the user to restart the computer (to free the file/dir handles) and it should work
  4. possibly get it merged into this project or Listen (open an issue or PR)


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