Guarda Extension allows accessing DApps (Decentralised Applications) working on Ethereum, Bitcoin and other blockchains. The access is performed through integrating Guarda Wallet with the Chrome Browser web page.
If you want to interact with a blockchain from your web page, you will need web3. We’ve re-developed it to provide access to a wallet without accessing the user’s private keys.
Guarda Extension exposes the web3 API with an injected web3 object that is accessible though JavaScript:
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
// Checking if Web3 has been injected by the browser
if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') {
// Use Guarda provider
web3js = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);
// Check if extension is unlocked:
setInterval(function() {
// Old fashion way.
var isUnlocked = window.web3.eth.accounts[0].length > 0;
// New way (See next section)
var isLocked = !!window.guarda.defaultWallet
}, 1000);
} else {
// Guarda Extension is not install, handle this case:
// Now you can start your app
You can access the wallet public addresses and balances with the wallet’s API.
// Check is extension is unlocked
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
// provides info about all wallets
const defaultWallet = windows.guarda.defaultWallet;
// {address: "0xc0539d482eFF70648540dddddddddddddd",
// balance: "0.1",
// currency: "eth"}
// provides info about deafault wallet
const wallets = window.guarda.wallets;
// [{address: "RViGdXfC7BR2U6iYt5BJFJasdasddqwqd", currency: "kmd", balance: "0"}
// {address: "QWWwr8XwcEyp6tgPeRBbxXmoAsdqdawqew", currency: "qtum", balance: "0"}
// {address: "0xc0539d482eFF70648540dddddddddddddd", currency: "eth",balance:"0.1"}]
You can add the deeplinks (buttons) to a web page to ease the payment process.
The payment popup will appear immediately with the Extension installed. In case it is not, you will be redirected to
<a target="_blank" href="¤cyFrom=btc&addressTo=1BZS3jJSCQRJiZJUaaS9t2yYv32nJ4NYcQ">
Pay with guarda
Search params:
- amount: number
- addressTo: string
- currencyFrom: string
- gasLimit: string
- gasPrice: string
- nonce: string
- extraId: string