Classes, methods and attributes used in matrix structural analysis, in python3
Repository for development of Matrix_Structural_Analysis package. Started on Jan, 2021.
Installation avaliable at TestPypi
As an civil engineer student and a aspirant Data Scientist, my passions merge at the computational aproach seen on Matriz Structural Analysis. This kind of analysis takes advantage of the automated process only computers can achive and the effort method provided by resistance of materials theory. As result, this project seeks to help on solving problems using 2D Frames and Trusses using OOP principals.
- Pandas
- Numpy
Library to host all modules of the package.
Stiffiness Matrix.ipynb contains all classes loaded and examples/exercises usign them. The Jupyter Notebook helps to keep it easy to try out the tools.
.gitignore contains archives that are not fundamental to this project
MATRIX STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS – THE STIFFNESS METHOD contains .py files with modules used on the Matrix Structural Analysis method
LICENCE indicates the MIT license for this project
Matrix_Structural_Analysis/ ├── Stiffiness Matrix.ipynb ├── LICENSE ├── .gitignore └── MATRIX STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS – THE STIFFNESS METHOD/ ├── └── Matrix_Structural_Analysis/ ├── ├── ├── └──
All code and descriptions in this repository were made by this user and can be modyfied by anyone.
This is an idependent, open source project, not related to any institution, unless this user
If you wantt to contribute to this project just fill a pull request.