This library offers csproj element/attribute operation without EnvDTE.
Load csproj file and create virtual dom, operate and write it out.
When I want to edit csproj for dynamically generated csproj or vscproj, like Unity UWP generates, publish-store required me to operate with Visual Studio. This tools is for this dynamically operate csproj on CI or automation platform.
- Accept only utf8 and utf8bom encodings.
- Accept only file path or stream. (no parsing string.)
dotnet add package CsProjEditor
dotnet tool install -g csprojcli
Load your csproj from path or Stream, then operate node and attribute!
// load csproj
var csproj = CsprojEditor.Load("your.csproj");
// edit
csproj.SetNodeValue("PropertyGroup", "PackageCertificateKeyFile", pfx);
csproj.InsertNode("PropertyGroup", "PackageCertificateThumbprint", thumbprint);
csproj.InsertNode("PropertyGroup", "GenerateAppInstallerFile", "False");
csproj.InsertNode("PropertyGroup", "AppxAutoIncrementPackageRevision", "True");
csproj.InsertNode("PropertyGroup", "AppxSymbolPackageEnabled", "False");
csproj.InsertNode("PropertyGroup", "AppxBundle", "Always");
csproj.InsertNode("PropertyGroup", "AppxBundlePlatforms", "x86");
csproj.InsertNode("PropertyGroup", "AppInstallerUpdateFrequency", "1");
csproj.InsertNode("PropertyGroup", "AppInstallerCheckForUpdateFrequency", "OnApplicationRun");
csproj.InsertAttribute("ItemGroup", "None", "Include", pfx, e => !e.HasAttributes);
csproj.InsertAttribute("ItemGroup", "None", "Include", "Package.StoreAssociation.xml", e => !e.HasAttributes);
// save
more examples? check examples and test.
You can find help.
> csprojcli help
You can run for each operation for group.*
, node.*
, nodevalue.*
, attrribute.*
and attributevalue.*
here's all commands and examples, you can reproduce with commands running at examples/csprojcli
Usage: csprojcli [version] [help] [batch.loadandrun||groups.get|group.get|group.exists|group.insert|group.replace|group.remove|nodes.get|node.get|node.exists|node.insert|node.replace|node.remove|nodevalue.get|nodevalue.exists|nodevalue.set|nodevalue.append|nodevalue.prepend|nodevalue.replace|nodevalue.remove|attribute.get|attribute.exists|attribute.insert|attribute.replace|attribute.remove|attributevalue.get|attributevalue.exists|attributevalue.set|attributevalue.append|attributevalue.prepend|attributevalue.replace|attributevalue.remove] [parameters]
E.g., run this for Batch execution. see JSON sample at
$ csprojcli batch.loadandrun -jsonPath examples/csprojcli/uwp_storepublish.json
$ csprojcli -json JSON
E.g., run this for group execution.:
$ csprojcli groups.get -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj
$ csprojcli group.get -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup
$ csprojcli group.exists -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup
$ csprojcli group.insert -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli group.replace -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -pattern Property -replacement Foo -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli group.remove -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
E.g., run this for node execution.:
$ csprojcli nodes.get -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup
$ csprojcli node.get -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -n TargetFramework
$ csprojcli node.exists -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -n TargetFramework
$ csprojcli node.insert -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -n PackageCertificateThumbprint -v 1234567890ABCDEF -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli node.replace -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -n LangVersion -pattern latest -replacement preview -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli node.remove -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -n LangVersion -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
E.g., run this for node value execution.:
$ csprojcli nodevalue.get -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -n TargetFramework
$ csprojcli nodevalue.exists -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -n TargetFramework -v netstandard2.0
$ csprojcli nodevalue.set -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -n PackageCertificateKeyFile -v hogehoge.pfx -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli nodevalue.append -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -n RootNamespace -v SimpleCsProj -append ect -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli nodevalue.prepend -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -n RootNamespace -v SimpleCsProj -prepend Very -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli nodevalue.replace -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -n OutputType -v Exe -pattern Exe -replacement AppContainer -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli nodevalue.remove -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g PropertyGroup -n AssemblyName -v SimpleCsProj -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
E.g., run this for group attribute execution.:
$ csprojcli attribute.get -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g Import
$ csprojcli attribute.exists -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g Import -a Include
$ csprojcli attribute.insert -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g Import -a Include -v example.json -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli attribute.insert -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g Import -a Project,Condition -v ".pack\\package.csproj","Exists('.pack\\package.csproj')" -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli attribute.remove -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g Import -a Exclude -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
E.g., run this for node attribute execution.:
$ csprojcli attribute.get -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g ItemGroup -n None
$ csprojcli attribute.exists -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g ItemGroup -n None -a Include
$ csprojcli attribute.insert -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g ItemGroup -n None -a Include -v example.json -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli attribute.replace -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g ItemGroup -n None -a Include -v project.json -pattern None -replacement Content -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli attribute.remove -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g ItemGroup -n None -a Exclude -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
E.g., run this for attribute value execution.:
$ csprojcli attributevalue.get -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g ItemGroup -n None -a Include
$ csprojcli attributevalue.exists -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g ItemGroup -n Compile -a Include -v App.cs
$ csprojcli attributevalue.set -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g Target -n Message -a Importance -v low - -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli attributevalue.append -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g ItemGroup -n None -a Include -v project.json -append ect -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli attributevalue.prepend -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g ItemGroup -n None -a Include -v project.json -prepend Very -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli attributevalue.replace -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g ItemGroup -n None -a Include -v project.json -pattern project -replacement example -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
$ csprojcli attributevalue.remove -p SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -g ItemGroup -n None -a Include -v project.json -output result_SimpleNewCsProjUtf8_CRLF.csproj -allowoverwrite true
Each command require save
to overlap previous command execution result, you can do by passing -dry false
and -allowoverwrite true
csprojcli nodevalue.set -p "test.csproj" -g PropertyGroup -n PackageCertificateKeyFile -v hogehoge.pfx -output "result.csproj" -allowoverwrite true
csprojcli node.insert -p "result.csproj" -g PropertyGroup -n PackageCertificateThumbprint -v 1234567890ABCDEF -output "result.csproj" -allowoverwrite true
Also, you can define commands in JSON and batch execute it with batch.loadandrun
This will execute defined commands and save, or show dry-run, when everything goes fine.
csprojcli batch.loadandrun -jsonPath your_commands.json
json should follow to Scheme and here' all command sample JSON.
more examples? check examples.
- File: Load
- File: ToString override.
- File: Detect UTF8 Bom.
- File: Detect EOL.
- File: Save with original utf8 encoding, keep BOM.
- File: Save will add empty line if last line is value.
- XmlUtils: Get NameSpace (for old csproj, equivalent for new csproj)
- XmlUtils: Get Declaration (for old csproj, equivalent for new csproj)
- XmlUtils: Get space for each node
- Filter: filter node, nodevalue and attribute and pass as XElement
- Group: Get (Groups)
- Group: Exists
- Group: Insert
- Group: Remove
- Group: Replace
- Node: Get (Nodes)
- Node: Exists
- Node: Insert
- Node: Remove
- Node: Replace
- NodeValue: Get
- NodeValue: Exists
- NodeValue: Set
- NodeValue: Append
- NodeValue: Prepend
- NodeValue: Remove
- NodeValue: Replace
- Attribute: Get (Group)
- Attribute: Get (Node)
- Attribute: Exists (Group)
- Attribute: Exists (Node)
- Attribute: Insert (Group)
- Attribute: Insert (Node)
- Attribute: Set (Group)
- Attribute: Set (Node)
- Attribute: Remove (Group)
- Attribute: Remove (Node)
- Attribute: Replace (Group)
- Attribute: Replace (Node)
- AttributeValue: Get (Group)
- AttributeValue: Get (Node)
- AttributeValue: Exists (Group)
- AttributeValue: Exists (Node)
- AttributeValue: Set (Group)
- AttributeValue: Set (Node)
- AttributeValue: Append (Group)
- AttributeValue: Append (Node)
- AttributeValue: Prepend (Group)
- AttributeValue: Prepend (Node)
- AttributeValue: Remove (Group)
- AttributeValue: Remove (Node)
- AttributeValue: Replace (Group)
- AttributeValue: Replace (Node)
- Tests: Node
- Tests: NodeValue
- Tests: Attribute (Group)
- Tests: Attribute (Node)
- Tests: AttributeValue
- Tests: Save