This is the GUL's Technical Conferences management system made with Ruby on Rails framework.
This project started in late december of 2013 for replace the old application made with Cake PHP framework which was very difficult to maintain and we decided to start from scratch, adding many modern development techniques and latest technologies.
To build the app in dev or test environments, use the following command:
$ bundle install --without production
# or you can speed it up in macOS/OSX with
$ bundle install --without production --jobs $((`sysctl -n hw.ncpu`-1))
# or you can speed it up in common GNU/Linux distros with
$ bundle install --without production --jobs `nproc --ignore=1`
We think that SQLite is better for development purposes.
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed # Add a pair of conferences for testing only
$ rails server [-p $PORT] # Port is optional
If you want to deploy the app, you have to modify the deploy config file placed in the config directory. Then, you have just type the following command:
$ mina deploy [--verbose]
To build the app in production environment and test it locally, use the following command:
$ bundle install --without development
$ rails server [-p $PORT] # Port is optional
Now MySQL is used as DB engine instead of SQLite.
- Ruby on Rails
- CofeeScript
- Zurb Foundation
- Font Aweosme
Active Admin- RailsAdmin
- Devise
- CanCanCan
- Ancestry
- Better Errors
- Mina
- and many more...
For more info about the API or the deploy, check our wiki
Bugs or suggestions? Visit the issue tracker
GulTalks tests are automatically run by Travis CI
GulTalks is under the MIT License. See the LICENSE