This package can be used in RP2040s to interface with a HD44780 LCD without I2C, UART, or SPI.
Since this is a package for MicroPython and it's supposed to be used with a Raspberry Pi Pico, you can copy the
file and load it into Thonny and your microcontroller.
A simple example running on a Wokwi Emulator can be found here.
from liquid_crystal_pico import LiquidCrystalPico
from machine import Pin
rs = Pin(0, Pin.OUT)
e = Pin(1, Pin.OUT)
d4 = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)
d5 = Pin(3, Pin.OUT)
d6 = Pin(4, Pin.OUT)
d7 = Pin(5, Pin.OUT)
lcd = LiquidCrystalPico(rs, e, d4, d5, d6, d7)
lcd.write("Hello, Pico!")
def clear()
def cursor_home()
def cursor_move_back()
def cursor_move_forward()
def display_blink_off()
def display_blink_on()
def display_off()
def display_on()
def display_shift_text_left()
def display_shift_text_right()
def move_cursor_left()
def move_cursor_right()
def move_to(line, column)
def write(string)
- Convert all binary numbers to constants
- Flexible support for configuration of LCD
Bugs or suggestions? Open an issue here.