EasyNotes is a vscode plugin for storing your local notes files to remote webdav server more conveniently! It will automatically walk through the local folder defined in config file. EasyNotes能将本地的笔记(理论上所有文本类型)文件上传到配置好的webdav服务或网盘(如坚果云等),支持目录的自动遍历上传。同时支持从webdav服务同步文件到本地,支持文件修改对比等。
create a config file in current workspace; 在当前workspace中创建一个配置文件,用于配置webdav以及文件夹等相关信息;
push you note files to the remote webdav server; 将本地文件夹推送到wedav服务;
pull remote files to local folder; 从webdav服务拉取文件夹内容;
- "webdavUrl": "https://dav.jianguoyun.com/dav/"
- "userName": "***"
- "password": "***"
- "localRoot": "e:\project\js\test\mynote"
- "remoteRoot": "/mynote"