JStyledComponents is a Java library that provides a set of customizable styled UI components based on the Java Swing library.
JStyledComponents includes the following UI components:
- JBackground: Provides a background image for a JPanel
- JButtonTransparent: A transparent JButton with custom styling.
- JCard: A custom JPanel that can be styled with a transparent background color and border
- JCheckedComboBox: A custom JComboBox that allows users to select multiple items using checkboxes
- JIconTextField: A custom JTextField that allows an icon to be displayed on the left side of the text field
- JPromptProcess: A dialog window to display the output of a process or command
- JRoundedCard: Rounded panel with gradient shadow behind.
- JToogleButton: A custom toggle button with two states, ON and OFF, and a sliding animation when toggled.
jStyledComponents requires a minimum of Java 11.
To use jStyledComponents in your project, add the following dependency to your Maven project:
After adding the dependency, you can start using the jStyledComponents by importing the required component and creating an instance of it.
For example, to use the StyledButton component, you can import it as follows:
import com.gmai.jstyledcomponents.JButtonTransparent;
And then create an instance of it:
JButtonTransparent button = new JButtonTransparent("BUTTON TEXT", ".../ICON.PNG", parentWindow);
You can then customize the button by calling its methods. For example, to set the background color of the button, you can call the setBackgroundColor method:
JStyledComponents is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.