Simple Example Using all GWT UI frameworks in One Webapp
Why? To see that we can combine every UI frameworks in one GWT webapp.
This example uses GWT Boot as Starter Parent:
At the moment the design of DominoUI (Material Design) is not compatible with the design of DnComponents (Bootstrap). We use no CSS in this DominoUI at all, therefore you could see that the design is broken. This is a general problem of mixing many UI frameworks in one web app: the designs are mostly incompatible.
To build the example:
mvn clean package
To run the example:
- First: run the GWT Dev Mode:
mvn gwt:generate-module gwt:devmode
- Second: open your browser and go to following address:
- GWT Dev Mode supports automatic transpiling. You just need to update your Java code in your IDE and reload your web browser. Your Java code will be automatically transpiled and your webapp stays uptodate without restarting the web server. If you change the index.html you need to push the restart button on the Swing GUI.