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[ECCV 2024] OneRestore: A Universal Restoration Framework for Composite Degradation

ArXiv Paper Web Poster Video

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OneRestore: A Universal Restoration Framework for Composite Degradation
Yu Guo† , Yuan Gao† , Yuxu Lu, Huilin Zhu, Ryan Wen Liu* , Shengfeng He*
(† Co-first Author, * Corresponding Author)
European Conference on Computer Vision

Abstract: In real-world scenarios, image impairments often manifest as composite degradations, presenting a complex interplay of elements such as low light, haze, rain, and snow. Despite this reality, existing restoration methods typically target isolated degradation types, thereby falling short in environments where multiple degrading factors coexist. To bridge this gap, our study proposes a versatile imaging model that consolidates four physical corruption paradigms to accurately represent complex, composite degradation scenarios. In this context, we propose OneRestore, a novel transformer-based framework designed for adaptive, controllable scene restoration. The proposed framework leverages a unique cross-attention mechanism, merging degraded scene descriptors with image features, allowing for nuanced restoration. Our model allows versatile input scene descriptors, ranging from manual text embeddings to automatic extractions based on visual attributes. Our methodology is further enhanced through a composite degradation restoration loss, using extra degraded images as negative samples to fortify model constraints. Comparative results on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate OneRestore as a superior solution, significantly advancing the state-of-the-art in addressing complex, composite degradations.

News πŸš€

  • 2024.09.07: Hugging Face Demo is released.
  • 2024.09.05: Video and poster are released.
  • 2024.09.04: Code for data synthesis is released.
  • 2024.07.27: Code for multiple GPUs training is released.
  • 2024.07.20: New Website has been created.
  • 2024.07.10: Paper is released on ArXiv.
  • 2024.07.07: Code and Dataset are released.
  • 2024.07.02: OneRestore is accepted by ECCV2024.

Network Architecture

Quick Start


  • python 3.7
  • cuda 11.7
# git clone this repository
git clone
cd OneRestore

# create new anaconda env
conda create -n onerestore python=3.7
conda activate onerestore 

# download ckpts
put embedder_model.tar and onerestore_cdd-11.tar in ckpts folder

# install pytorch (Take cuda 11.7 as an example to install torch 1.13)
pip install torch==1.13.0+cu117 torchvision==0.14.0+cu117 torchaudio==0.13.0 --extra-index-url

# install other packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install gensim

Pretrained Models

Please download our pre-trained models and put them in ./ckpts.

Model Description
embedder_model.tar Text/Visual Embedder trained on our CDD-11.
onerestore_cdd-11.tar OneRestore trained on our CDD-11.
onerestore_real.tar OneRestore trained on our CDD-11 for Real Scenes.
onerestore_lol.tar OneRestore trained on LOL (low light enhancement benchmark).
onerestore_reside_ots.tar OneRestore trained on RESIDE-OTS (image dehazing benchmark).
onerestore_rain1200.tar OneRestore trained on Rain1200 (image deraining benchmark).
onerestore_snow100k.tar OneRestore trained on Snow100k-L (image desnowing benchmark).


We provide two samples in ./image for the quick inference:

python --embedder-model-path ./ckpts/embedder_model.tar --restore-model-path ./ckpts/onerestore_cdd-11.tar --input ./image/ --output ./output/ --concat

You can also input the prompt to perform controllable restoration. For example:

python --embedder-model-path ./ckpts/embedder_model.tar --restore-model-path ./ckpts/onerestore_cdd-11.tar --prompt low_haze --input ./image/ --output ./output/ --concat


Prepare Dataset

We provide the download link of our Composite Degradation Dataset with 11 types of degradation (CDD-11).

Preparing the train and test datasets as follows:

|  |--clear
|  |  |--000001.png
|  |  |--000002.png
|  |--low
|  |--haze
|  |--rain
|  |--snow
|  |--low_haze
|  |--low_rain
|  |--low_snow
|  |--haze_rain
|  |--haze_snow
|  |--low_haze_rain
|  |--low_haze_snow

Train Model

1. Train Text/Visual Embedder by

python --train-dir ./data/CDD-11_train --test-dir ./data/CDD-11_test --check-dir ./ckpts --batch 256 --num-workers 0 --epoch 200 --lr 1e-4 --lr-decay 50

2. Remove the optimizer weights in the Embedder model file by

python --type Embedder --input-file ./ckpts/embedder_model.tar --output-file ./ckpts/embedder_model.tar

3. Generate the dataset.h5 file for training OneRestore by

python --train-path ./data/CDD-11_train --data-name dataset.h5 --patch-size 256 --stride 200

4. Train OneRestore model by

  • Single GPU
python --embedder-model-path ./ckpts/embedder_model.tar --save-model-path ./ckpts --train-input ./dataset.h5 --test-input ./data/CDD-11_test --output ./result/ --epoch 120 --bs 4 --lr 1e-4 --adjust-lr 30 --num-works 4
  • Multiple GPUs

Assuming you train the OneRestore model using 4 GPUs (e.g., 0, 1, 2, and 3), you can use the following command. Note that the number of nproc_per_node should equal the number of GPUs.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, 1, 2, 3 torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 --embedder-model-path ./ckpts/embedder_model.tar --save-model-path ./ckpts --train-input ./dataset.h5 --test-input ./data/CDD-11_test --output ./result/ --epoch 120 --bs 4 --lr 1e-4 --adjust-lr 30 --num-works 4

5. Remove the optimizer weights in the OneRestore model file by

python --type OneRestore --input-file ./ckpts/onerestore_model.tar --output-file ./ckpts/onerestore_model.tar

Customize your own composite degradation dataset

1. Prepare raw data

  • Collect your own clear images.
  • Generate the depth map based on MegaDepth.
  • Generate the light map based on LIME.
  • Generate the rain mask database based on RainStreakGen.
  • Download the snow mask database from Snow100k.

A generated example is as follows:

Clear Image Depth Map Light Map Rain Mask Snow Mask

(Note: The rain and snow masks do not require strict alignment with the image.)

  • Prepare the dataset as follows:
|  |--clear
|  |  |--000001.png
|  |  |--000002.png
|  |--depth_map
|  |  |--000001.png
|  |  |--000002.png
|  |--light_map
|  |  |--000001.png
|  |  |--000002.png
|  |--rain_mask
|  |  |--aaaaaa.png
|  |  |--bbbbbb.png
|  |--snow_mask
|  |  |--cccccc.png
|  |  |--dddddd.png

2. Generate composite degradation images

  • low+haze+rain
python --hq-file ./data/clear/ --light-file ./data/light_map/ --depth-file ./data/depth_map/ --rain-file ./data/rain_mask/ --snow-file ./data/snow_mask/ --out-file ./out/ --low --haze --rain
  • low+haze+snow
python --hq-file ./data/clear/ --light-file ./data/light_map/ --depth-file ./data/depth_map/ --rain-file ./data/rain_mask/ --snow-file ./data/snow_mask/ --out-file ./out/ --low --haze --snow

(Note: The degradation types can be customized according to specific needs.)

Clear Image low+haze+rain low+haze+snow



Types Methods Venue & Year PSNR ↑ SSIM ↑ #Params
Input Input 16.00 0.6008 -
One-to-One MIRNet ECCV2020 25.97 0.8474 31.79M
One-to-One MPRNet CVPR2021 25.47 0.8555 15.74M
One-to-One MIRNetv2 TPAMI2022 25.37 0.8335 5.86M
One-to-One Restormer CVPR2022 26.99 0.8646 26.13M
One-to-One DGUNet CVPR2022 26.92 0.8559 17.33M
One-to-One NAFNet ECCV2022 24.13 0.7964 17.11M
One-to-One SRUDC ICCV2023 27.64 0.8600 6.80M
One-to-One Fourmer ICML2023 23.44 0.7885 0.55M
One-to-One OKNet AAAI2024 26.33 0.8605 4.72M
One-to-Many AirNet CVPR2022 23.75 0.8140 8.93M
One-to-Many TransWeather CVPR2022 23.13 0.7810 21.90M
One-to-Many WeatherDiff TPAMI2023 22.49 0.7985 82.96M
One-to-Many PromptIR NIPS2023 25.90 0.8499 38.45M
One-to-Many WGWSNet CVPR2023 26.96 0.8626 25.76M
One-to-Composite OneRestore ECCV2024 28.47 0.8784 5.98M
One-to-Composite OneRestore† ECCV2024 28.72 0.8821 5.98M

Indicator calculation code and numerical results can be download here.

Real Scene



  title={OneRestore: A Universal Restoration Framework for Composite Degradation},
  author={Guo, Yu and Gao, Yuan and Lu, Yuxu and Liu, Ryan Wen and He, Shengfeng},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me (