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DALL-E for Detection: Language-driven Compositional Image Synthesis for Object Detection

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Official Implementation for "DALL-E for Detection: Language-driven Compositional Image Synthesis for Object Detection"

Extention version: "Beyond Generation: Harnessing Text to Image Models for Object Detection and Segmentation"



This project is developed using Python 3.10 and PyTorch 1.10.1 under CUDA 11.3. We recommend you to use the same version of Python and PyTorch.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Our method


We propose a noval approach for generating diverse and large-scale pseudo-labeled training datasets, tailored specifically to enhance downstream object detection and segmentation models. We leverage text-to-image models (e.g. your favourite diffusion model) to independently generate foregrounds and backgrounds. Then we composite foregrounds onto the backgrounds, a process where we obtain the bounding boxes or segmentation masks of the foregrounds, to be used in the downstream models.


  • Foregrounds are generated using text-to-image models with fixed templates (such as "A photo of ", Table 2 of the paper). Note this is purely zero-shot, i.e. no training data whatsoever is required.
  • Backgrounds are slightly more complicated.
    • For zero-shot, we have another set of fixed templates (such as "A real photo of forest", Table 3 of the paper).
    • For few-shot where we have a limited set of training images, we first image caption each images, then extract the background contextual words from the caption. Those contextual words are words such as "grass field," indicating the location and context of the training images. Lastly we augment the original caption by inputting the contextual words into the templates. This step is necessary as otherwise the caption would possibly contain the foreground objects (eg a dog) as well, and using this original caption into the text-to-image models will likely generate a dog that we do not have a segmentation or bounding box label, and thus confusing the model.
  • Both foregrounds and backgrounds are feed into CLIP to control the quality of the generated images.
  • Usage


    In this project we use Pascal VOC in a low-resource regime.

    You should download original dataset, e.g. Pascal VOC. Note that for Pascal we use train & Val set from the nsrom repo. The data structure will be

    ├── COCO2017 
    └── voc2012
        ├── labels.txt
        ├── train_aug.txt
        ├── ...
        └── VOC2012
            ├── Annotations
            ├── ImageSets

    We have k-shot selections on data/voc2012: 1 shot and 10 shot.

    Diffusion Generation

    The code to generate foregrounds and backgrounds are in t2i_generate/ folder. First you need to generate captions for foreground and background. Then you can use stable diffusion 2 to generate images via python

    Cut Paste

    The code to paste foregrounds onto backgrounds are in cutpaste/ folder. We use hydra+torch lightning to run different variants. Example config files are in configs/ folder, and we include a test dataset in data/test_data/ folder. For example, you can use python exp=<exp> to launch the script, where <exp> is

    • demo_cutpaste: paste real foregrounds onto real backgrounds. This is Pure Real + cut paste in Results.
    • demo_synFg: paste synthetic foregrounds onto real backgrounds. This is Syn Fg in Results.
    • demo_syn: paste synthetic foregrounds onto synthetic backgrounds. This is Pure Syn in Results.
    • demo_syn+real: paste synthetic and real foregrounds onto synthetic and real backgrounds. This is Syn + real in Results. We recommend you to always use this setting as this offers the benefit of both synthetic and real data.

    You can also use viz/ to visualize the generated datasets. Simple do

    python viz/ <cut paste dataset dir>

    This will generate 30 randomly sampled annotated images in viz/ folder.

    Readers are welcome to check the config files for more parameters to control the process. Some notable mentions:

    • by default the foreground is pasted with Space Maximize Paste algorithm described in EM-paste: i.e. each foreground is re-scaled and pasted within the max inscribing circle of the background contour.
    • repeat_background is the number of time the algorithm repeats the pasting process. By default it is 2, i.e. each background is used twice, but each time with different foregrounds pasted onto it.
    • num_workers is the number of workers to use for multiprocessing. We recommend you to use at least 4.
    • use_random_paste is for random paste (i.e. paste foreground on a random location of background image) while ranom scale the pasted foreground 0.3-0.7. This is adapted from object cut and paste.
    • by default num_cut_images=4 foregrounds are pasted in each background. You can also set num_cut_lowerbound to paste Unif(num_cut_lowerbound, num_cut_images) foregrounds.
    • The codebase supports 5 total blendings, namely Guassian Blur, Poisson Blur, Box Blur, Motion Blur and None (do not apply any blendings). We empirically find Gaussian alone achieves the best results.
    • Space Maximize Paste will scale the foreground object to match the diameter of the max inscribing circle of the background contour, but sometimes producing small foregrounds. use_random_scaling=True will apply the random scaling factor (0.3-0.7) as object cut and paste paper.
    • scale_factor=factor additionally apply another scaling to the pasted foreground after Space Maximize Paste.
    • center_translation_factor=factor shift the location to paste the foreground by ± height x factor or ± width x factor, instead of pasting on the center of the max inscribing circle.

    Model Training

    Once the dataset is created, you can train object detection model using detection/ and instance segmentation model using instance_seg/. Both are based on the battle-tested detectron2.

    For example, on VOC 2012 with 2 GPUs, you can run

    # object detection
    python detection/ -s syn \ # use synthetic data
        --syn_dir <cut paste dataset dir> \
        -t voc_val \ # test on VOC val
        --test_dir <voc dir> \ # data/voc2012/VOC2012, we need to find val set in this folder
        -g 4 \ # use 4 GPUs on 1 machine
        --freeze --data_aug --bsz 32 --epoch 200 --resnet 50 --lr 0.01 # hyperparameters

    For instance segmentation, use instance_seg/ instead of detection/ The flags are the same.

    For inference, simply apply the additional flag --eval_checkpoint <your path to the ckpt>.


    Our method results in significant improvement over the baseline on Pascal VOC and MS COCO, especially in the low-resource regime. We refer details in the paper.



DALL-E for Detection: Language-driven Compositional Image Synthesis for Object Detection






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