A simple command-line To-Do List application in Python.
- Add tasks with a title and due date.
- View the list of tasks with their titles, due dates, and completion status.
- Mark tasks as completed.
- Delete tasks.
- Edit existing tasks, including title, due date, and completion status.
Add Task:
- Choose option 1 in the menu.
- Enter the task title and due date as prompted.
View Tasks:
- Choose option 2 in the menu.
Mark Task as Completed:
- Choose option 3 in the menu.
- Enter the task index to mark as completed.
Delete Task:
- Choose option 4 in the menu.
- Enter the task index to delete.
Edit Task:
- Choose option 5 in the menu.
- Enter the task index to edit.
- Choose the aspect to edit (title, due date, completion status).
- Choose option 6 in the menu to exit the application.
- Python 3.x
- colorama
- cursor
Install dependencies using:
pip install colorama cursor
Contributions are always welcome!