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Deps Grapher

A Tool to visualize Ruby class dependencies


Deps Grapher is intended for a general understanding of class dependencies through static analysis. It uses prism gem.

Please note the following:

  • Information determined at runtime cannot be analyzed
  • Dependencies of classes and methods that are likely to change dynamically cannot be analyzed
  • Method arguments that are variables cannot be analyzed

Therefore, it may not be accurate and should be used as a reference only.


Please add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "deps_grapher"

And then run the following command:

bundle install


Generate a configuration file

cd ${your directory}
bundle exec deps_grapher init

The following message will be displayed.

`${your directory}/graphile.rb` was created.
Please edit the configuration file.
Run `bundle exec deps_grapher -c graphile.rb`.

Please try to run the following command.

bundle exec deps_grapher -c graphile.rb

The visualized graph will be output to the tmp directory.

Please open the index.html in the graph directory with your browser.

${your directory}/tmp/deps_grapher/graph/index.html

Customize the configuration file for your project

DSL is used to define the configuration file.

The DSL provides the following methods.

  • output_dir - Specify the output directory where the graph html is output
  • cache_dir - Specify the cache directory where the analysis result is stored
  • plugin_dir - Specify the plugin directory. Plugins allow you to use customized visualizations and will be loaded by Configuration#load_plugin! method.
  • visualizer - Specify the default graph type (default: "cy:klay")
  • ast_processor_policy - Specify the policy for processing the AST
    • include_const - Specify the constant or regular expression to be included in the analysis
    • exclude_const - Specify the constant or regular expression to be excluded from the analysis
    • include_location - Specify the location or regular expression to be included in the analysis
    • exclude_location - Specify the location or regular expression to be excluded from the analysis
    • advanced_const_resolver - Specify the object that has call method to resolve the constant. You can write a custom logic to resolve the constant using ast_node of parser gem. The block should return a string of const name or nil. If return nil, the const name will be resolved by default logic.
  • layer - Specify the layer to be displayed in the graph
    • name - Specify the layer name (required)
    • visible - Specify whether the layer is visible (default: true)
    • source - Specify the source directory of the layer (required)
      • root - Specify the root directory of the layer (required)
      • include_pattern - Specify the pattern to include in the analysis (default: nil)
      • exclude_pattern - Specify the pattern to exclude from the analysis (default: nil)
      • glob_pattern - Specify the glob pattern to include in the analysis (default: ["**/*.rb"])
    • color - Specify the color of the layer (required)
      • background - Specify the background color of the node and the edge (required)
      • arrow - Specify the arrow color of the edge (default: same as background)
      • border - Specify the border color of the node and the edge (required)
      • font - Specify the font color of the the node and the edge (required)
  • with_plugin - Specify the extension plugin directory. Plugins allow you to use customized visualizations.

Configuration example

# frozen_string_literal: true

# directory settings
# customize for your project
output_dir File.expand_path "tmp/deps_grapher/graph"
cache_dir File.expand_path "tmp/deps_grapher/cache"

root_dir = "<%= root_dir %>"
lib_root_dir = File.join(root_dir, "lib")
layer_root_dir = File.join(lib_root_dir, "deps_grapher")

# default visualizer setting
visualizer "<%= visualizer %>"

ast_processor_policy do
  exclude_const /\ADepsGrapher\z/

  # advanced_const_resolver do |ast_node|
  #   # some advanced logic using ast_node of parser gem
  #   # this block should return a string of const name or nil
  #   # if return nil, the const name will be resolved by default logic
  # end

layer do
  name :deps_grapher
  visible true

  source do
    root lib_root_dir
    exclude_pattern %r{/(command|cytoscape|vis|visualizer)}

  color do
    background "#FF5252"
    border "#EF5350"
    font "#FF5252"

layer do
  name :command
  visible true

  source do
    root File.join(layer_root_dir, "command")

  color do
    background "#512DA8"
    border "#673AB7"
    font "#512DA8"

layer do
  name :cytoscape
  visible true

  source do
    root layer_root_dir
    glob_pattern ["cytoscape.rb", "cytoscape/**/*.rb"]

  color do
    background "#448AFF"
    border "#42A5F5"
    font "#448AFF"

layer do
  name :vis
  visible true

  source do
    root layer_root_dir
    glob_pattern ["vis.rb", "vis/**/*.rb"]

  color do
    background "#00B8D4"
    border "#00ACC1"
    font "#00B8D4"

layer do
  name :visualizer
  visible true

  source do
    root layer_root_dir
    glob_pattern ["visualizer.rb", "visualizer/**/*.rb"]

  color do
    background "#00C853"
    border "#4CAF50"
    font "#00C853"

with_plugin do |plugin_dir|
  layer do
    name :plugin
    visible true

    source do
      root plugin_dir

    color do
      background "#607D8B"
      border "#78909C"
      font "#607D8B"

Run deps_grapher

cd ${your directory}
bundle exec deps_grapher -c graphile.rb [options]

If -c is omitted, will find the configuration file ./graphile.rb from the current directory and use it if found

bundle exec deps_grapher --source "*Controller"  --target "*Service"

Command line options

Option Short Form Description
--config CONFIG -c CONFIG Specify the path to the configuration file
--dump Dump the configuration
--root ROOT_DIR Specify a directory path you want to check without configuration
--graph GRAPH -g GRAPH Specify the type of graph
--layer LAYER Specify the visible layer name (comma-separated is okay, also "all" means that displays all layers)
--source CLASS_NAME Specify the source class on the graph (wildcards can be used, also --target is required if use this option)
--target CLASS_NAME Specify the target class on the graph (wildcards can be used)
--clean Clear the cache and output directory
--ignore-errors Ignore errors
--verbose Display verbose log

Without the configuration file

The root option allows you to run it without configuration.

bundle exec deps_grapher --root ${your directory} --source "*Controller"  --target "*Service"

This is generating a temporary configuration file internally.

Visualize the graph

cy:klay (default)

bundle exec deps_grapher -g cy:klay



bundle exec deps_grapher -g cy:cose



bundle exec deps_grapher -g cy:fcose



bundle exec deps_grapher -g vis:box



bundle exec deps_grapher -g vis:dot


Specify the layer to be displayed in the graph

bundle exec deps_grapher --layer your_layer,another_layer...

If no layer is specified, layers with "visible" set to "true" will be displayed.

Also if you want to display all layers, specify as follows.

bundle exec deps_grapher --layer all --source "*Controller" --target "*Service"

However, be careful as having too many dependencies can greatly reduce readability and performance.

It is recommended to use both the source and target options.


The MIT License


This tool is using the following open-source software.

We thank the contributors of these software for their great work.