- Utilize the power of Jakarta EE 10+ technology.
- Utilize the power of Jakarta EE Security
- MVC architecture
- No need for web.xml security-constraint, login-config
- Multiple authentication schemes implemented
- Authentication by code mechanism implemented
- RememberMe implemented
- Re-authentication implemented
- Model binding implemented
- Standard JSTL tags implemented
- PebbleTemplates integrated
- i18n implemented
- Handles CSRF, ETag, Compression, CAPTCHA, CORS, HSTS, CSP, Cache-Control, Logger, TempData, etc.
- 360+ Unit tests
- appslandia-plum
- appslandia-common
- Java 21
// If Use JSTL Security Functions
dependencies {
compile 'com.appslandia:appslandia-plum:{LATEST_VERSION}'
compile 'com.appslandia:appslandia-common:{LATEST_VERSION}'
// If Use JSTL Security Functions
compile 'org.owasp.encoder:encoder:1.2.3'
public class UserController {
// GET /user/index
public ActionResult index() {
return (request, response, requestContext) -> {
response.getWriter().print("Hello, UserController!");
// GET /user/test
public void testAction(RequestWrapper request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
// GET|POST /user/edit
public ActionResult edit(RequestWrapper request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
// GET
if (request.isGetOrHead()) {
// /user/edit.jsp
return JspResult.DEFAULT;
// Create Or Update User
return new RedirectResult("index");
// GET /user/get/{userId}
public User get(int userId) {
if (userId <= 0) {
throw new NotFoundException();
User u = loadUser(userId);
return u;
// PUT /user/register
public Result<String> register(@Model(Source.JSON_BODY) user, ModelState modelState) {
if (!modelState.isValid()) {
throw new BadRequestException();
// Add user
return new Result<String>().setMessage("Registered user successfully.");
// POST /user/testAuthorize
public void testAuthorize() {
// ...
// Other Annotations:
// @EnableCsrf, @EnableEtag, @EnableEncoding, @EnableParts, @EnableAsync, etc.
// @ConsumeType
// @CacheControl("cacheControl1")
// ...
This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.