Filter memes from your photo library.
Install in editable mode using the Makefile
$ make install-dev
The dev installation will install the program in a virtual environment by default. Activate it as follows.
$ source venv/bin/activate
To confirm the installation was successfull, use which
to reveal the location of the development installation.
$ which memesieve
With the virtual environment activated, you can use the memesieve
command in any directory for testing.
$ memesieve --help
usage: memesieve [-h] [-s SOURCE_FOLDER] [-d DELAY] [-e EXTENSIONS [EXTENSIONS ...]] [-m {moondream,gemini}]
Returns a list of filepaths for memes in the specified folder.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The source folder path containing the files to be checked for memes.
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
The amount of seconds to wait between each examined file.
The extensions to include in the searched files.
-m {moondream,gemini}, --model {moondream,gemini}
The name of the model to use.
Run the program and it will print the names of files in the current folder that it identifies as memes. This simple output is intended to be used as input for other programs, in the spirit of the Unix philosophy.
$ memesieve
To move or copy the memes out of the directory, pipe the results to the desired command.
To copy the memes to another foloder, use a variation of the following:
$ memesieve | while read filename; do cp "$filename" "../output_folder/$filename"; done
To move the memes to another folder, use something similar to the following:
$ memesieve | while read filename; do mv "$filename" "../output_folder/$filename"; done
Always exercise caution, since the program can sometimes misidentify photos as memes, especially if they are humorous or contain meme-like text.
The tool supports multiple models to detect memes. By default, the program uses the Moondream package, a small vision language model that runs locally and can use either CPU or GPU.
To use another model, select it by name.
$ memesieve -m gemini
If you select the Gemini model, you will need to set the Google API key environment variable. To get a new API key, visit Google AI Studio. When testing the tool, it is recommended to make a new token in the unpaid free tier to avoid any costs. The user is responsible for any costs incurred for Google API usage.
$ export GOOGLE_API_KEY="gabagool"
Some models may benefit from a longer delay between calls, others may be need a shorter delay. When using Google's Gemini Flash, for example, the free-tier has a limit of 15 requests per minute. By default the program will use a delay deemed appropriate for the model. You can override the delay using the -d
flag specifying an integer value in seconds.
$ memesieve -d 2