WordPress library for Reward manager.
composer require hametuha/sharee
To enable sharee, call bootstrap method.
// Call before after_setup_theme
Reward list on WordPress Dashboard.
Payment list is a expected payment list for user's reward. Works fine with hashboard.
* Enable payment list
* @param bool $enabled Default false.
* @param bool $service Service name to be enabled.
add_filter( 'sharee_should_enable', function( $enabled, $service ) {
switch ( $service ) {
case 'billing': // Billing is billing list.
return true;
return $enabled;
}, 10, 2 );
Sharee has no screen to add reward record. You have to enter one manually.
$result = RevenueModel::get_instance()->add_revenue( 'kdp', $user_id, $price, [
'unit' => $unit,
'total' => $total,
'tax' => $tax,
'deducting' => $deducting,
'description' => $label
] );
if ( $result && ! is_wp_error( $result ) ) {