Bulk register WordPress assets with specified folder structure. Good shortcut for your theme development.
Use composer.
composer require hametuha/wp-enqueue-manager
Write dependnecies in your assets(js and css) header as comment.
format is like wpdeps=dependencies
. CSV ready.
This notation will be used for the deps
argument of wp_register_script
(doc) and wp_register_style
Operations should be done in init
hook or before. Write codes in your functions.php
Header file should be like below:
* wpdeps=jquery,thicbox
// Do something.
NOTICE: If you use autoprefixer or minify tools, be careful about cleaning up comments.
Then, register them all from your theme or plugin.
// Register all js in folder.
// e.g. /assets/js/sample.js will be regsitered as 'my-sample'.
Hametuha\WpEnqueueManager::register_js( __DIR__ . '/assets/, 'my-', '1.0.0' );
Same as javascript, regsier
* wpdeps=bootstrap
background-color: red;
And, run register_styles
// Register all css in folder.
// e.g. /assets/css/sample.css will be regsitered as 'my-sample'.
Hametuha\WpEnqueueManager::register_styles( __DIR__ . '/assets/, 'my-', '1.0.0' );
If you are a theme or plugin author, it's proper to pass the version of your theme/plugin.
Lazy authors may just pass null
or skip the argument. Then the file modified time will be used as version string.
For Javascript localization, you can bulk register localization vars.
Hametuha\WpEnqueueManager::register_js_var_files( __DIR__ . '/l10n );
File name equals js handle name. Camelized handle name should be var name. PHP files should return var array.
For example, if you put my-sample.php
below in l10n
// Avoide direct load.
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die();
// Return JS vars.
return [
'label' => 'This is my var!',
Registered infromation are below:
- Handle: my-sample
- Var name: MySample
- Var: returned array of file.
So, you can refer PHP variables from JS like this:
$('.button').on('click', function(){
// => This is my var!