This README provides an overview and instructions for setting up and running a recipe website developed using Django for the backend, Vue.js with Vuetify for the frontend, and MySQL for the database. The website includes a Recipe API to manage recipes.
- User registration and authentication system.
- Browse, search, and filter recipes based on various criteria (e.g., category, ingredients).
- Create, read, update, and delete recipes.
- Rate and review recipes.
- User profile management.
- API endpoints for recipe data manipulation.
- Python
- Django
- django-rest-framework
- Vue.js
- Vuetify
- MySQL more in the requirements.txt
Clone the repository:
git clone [](
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Recipy
Backend setup:
cd backend
Install Python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Migrate the database:
python migrate
Frontend setup:
cd ../frontend
Install Node.js dependencies:
npm install
Database setup:
- Create a MySQL database for the project.
- Update the database configuration in
Start the backend server:
python runserver
Start the frontend server:
npm run dev
Access the website:
Open your web browser and go to
- Modify
to configure database settings, secret key, allowed hosts, etc.
- Modify
- Modify
to configure API endpoints, base URL, etc.
- Modify
- Register a new account or login with existing credentials.
- Browse through recipes, search for specific recipes, or filter them by categories, ingredients, etc.
- View recipe details, including ingredients, instructions, ratings, and reviews.
- Create new recipes, edit or delete existing ones.
- like and comment recipes.
- Manage user profile settings.