TissRoR is a Ruby on Rails wrppaer on Tiss education software of technical university of vienna which is highly adapted to be used by mobile devices and cell phones. This project is a part of the course Ruby on Rails Business Programming.
For installing this project it is enough to have a Ruby and installed version of Rails on it. For the other requirements it is enough to run the following command on the project directory:
bundle install
And the server will start through the following command:
rails server
The project will be available on port 3000 by default through:
The project task and functioanlitis, scheduling and design is located in the directory DesignAndScheduling. The most important documents are as follows:
- rbp-slides-2018-1.pdf: Contain the project definition, needed functionalities, and course overview. It also contains useful starting point for Ruby programming language as well as Ruby on Rails.
- dataModel.MD: Contains the needed model for the project and their fileds.
- schedule.MD: The design, schedule and time line of the project are included in this file.
The project is completed by Hanif Maleki. Please send any problem or question to hanif_1362@yahoo.com. The project is free to any usage.