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This cookbook installs Apache Ambari, a project aimed at making Hadoop management simpler by developing software for provisioning, managing, and monitoring Apache Hadoop clusters. Ambari provides an intuitive, easy-to-use Hadoop management web UI backed by its RESTful APIs.


Ambari requires Java and Python as prerequisites for installation. These prerequisites can be fulfilled using the ambari-chef::ambari_server_prerequisites or ambari-chef::ambari_agent_prerequisites recipes include with this cookbook or by any other means independently. You can customize the included prerequisites by modifying the following attributes.

# python 2
override['python'] = {
  'python2' => {
    'packages' => ['python'],

# java 8
override['java'] = {
  'install_from' => 'amazon_source',
  'install_version' => 'jdk-8u232-linux-x64',


By default this cookbook installs Ambari version 2.7.4, which at the time of this writing, is the current version. A different version of Ambari can be specified for installation by overriding the version attribute.

# ambari
override['hw'] = {
  'ambari' => {
    'version' => '2.7.4',
    'server' => {
      'config' => {
        '' => {
          'api.ssl' => 'false',
          'client.api.port' => '8080',

LDAP Authentication

To enable LDAP Authentication, define the following keys in your attributes file.

# ambari ldap integration
override['hw'] = {
  'ambari' => {
    'server' => {
      'config' => {
        '' => {
          'ambari.ldap.isConfigured' => 'false',
          'authentication.ldap.baseDn' = 'dc=prd,dc=domain,dc=local',
          'authentication.ldap.managerDn' => 'uid=manager,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=prd,dc=domain,dc=local',
          'authentication.ldap.primaryUrl' => 'ldap-server-01.prd.domain.local:636',
          'authentication.ldap.bindAnonymously' => 'false',
          'authentication.ldap.dnAttribute' => 'dn',
          'authentication.ldap.groupMembershipAttr' => 'memberUid',
          'authentication.ldap.groupNamingAttr' => 'cn',
          'authentication.ldap.groupObjectClass' => 'posixgroup',
          'authentication.ldap.managerPassword' => '/etc/ambari-server/conf/ldap-password.dat',
          'authentication.ldap.referral' => 'follow',
          'authentication.ldap.usernameAttribute' => 'uid',
          'authentication.ldap.userObjectClass' => 'person',
          'authentication.ldap.useSSL' => 'true',

# ambari ldap allowed users
override['hw'] = {
  'ambari' => {
    'server' => {
      'setup' => {
        'ldap' => {
          'ldap_sync_groups' => ['prd_user_group'],
          'ldap_sync_users' => ['prd_user'],

PostgreSQL Database

Ambari installs and utilizes PostgreSQL by default. The postgresql-server package included in CestOS 7 at the time of this writing is 9.2.23. If you are currently using a newer version of PostgreSQL you can modify the following attributes so that Ambari will point to your alternate version. You can can find more information about this here.

# ambari server db setup values
override['hw'] = {
  'ambari' => {
    'server' => {
      'setup' => {
        'db' => {
          'databasehost' => 'localhost',
          'databaseport' => '5432',
          'databasepassword' => 'bigdata',

# ambari server config values
override['hw'] = {
  'ambari' => {
    'server' => {
      'config' => {
        '' => {
          'server.jdbc.connection-pool' => 'internal',
          'server.jdbc.database_name' => 'ambari',
          'server.jdbc.database' => 'postgres',
          'server.jdbc.driver' => 'org.postgresql.Driver',
          'server.jdbc.hostname' => 'localhost',
          'server.jdbc.port' => 5432,
          'server.jdbc.postgres.schema' => 'ambari',
          'server.jdbc.rca.driver' => 'org.postgresql.Driver',
          'server.jdbc.rca.url' => 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/ambari',
          '' => 'ambari',
          'server.jdbc.rca.user.passwd' => '/etc/ambari-server/conf/password.dat',
          'server.jdbc.url' => 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/ambari',
          '' => 'ambari',
          'server.jdbc.user.passwd' => '/etc/ambari-server/conf/password.dat',


Ambari Server

To install Ambari Server, include the ambari_server recipe in your run list

# include ambari_server
include 'ambari-chef::ambari_server'
Ambari Agent

To install Ambari Server, include the ambari_agent recipe in your run list

# include ambari_agent
include 'ambari-chef::ambari_agent'
Management Portal

Once installed, Ambari is available at unless otherwise modified using the attributes referenced above. Ambari's default username and password are both admin.


The following resources may be helpful to better understand Ambari: