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A Flask Application with Twitter Bootstrap, Flask-Security, MongoEngine, Gmail, and User Registration preconfigured.

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Flask WebApp Boilerplate Project

This is a skeleton project meant to be helpful for those who want to quickly jump into a new flask project. UserAccounts, Tests, Caching, Mail, User Registration, Roles, Python Script Commands, and Twitter Bootstrap are already configured.

The Flask Boilerplate Project consists of many projects merged into one to provide the most flexible boilerplate for your flask project.

It is pre-configured for a production Heroku environment, but can be adjusted to suit your needs.

If you would like other confirgurations available or to add certain features, create an issue and I will do my best.


  1. Download via git:

     git clone git://
  2. Change into the cloned directory

     cd FlaskBootstrapSecurity
  3. Get VirtualEnv and VirtualEnvWrapper set up. See here for further details:

  4. Create a virtualenvironment

     mkvirtualenv environment
  5. Install the required python dependancies:

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Edit flask_application/ to change your mail server, password salt and other settings:

     class Config(object):
         SECRET_KEY = '{SECRET_KEY}'
         SITE_NAME = 'Flask Site'
         SITE_ROOT_URL = ''
         LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG
         MEMCACHED_SERVERS = ['localhost:11211']
         SYS_ADMINS = ['']
         # Mongodb support
         MONGODB_DB = 'testing'
         MONGODB_HOST = 'localhost'
         MONGODB_PORT = 27017
         # Configured for Gmail
         DEFAULT_MAIL_SENDER = 'Admin < >'
         MAIL_SERVER = ''
         MAIL_PORT = 465
         MAIL_USE_SSL = True
         MAIL_USERNAME = ''
         MAIL_PASSWORD = '*********'
         # Flask-Security setup
         SECURITY_EMAIL_SENDER = 'Security < >'
         SECURITY_URL_PREFIX = '/auth'
         SECUIRTY_POST_LOGIN = '/'
         SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH = 'pbkdf2_sha512'
         # import uuid; salt = uuid.uuid4().hex
         SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT = '2b8b74efc58e489e879810905b6b6d4dc6'
         # CACHE
         CACHE_TYPE = 'simple'
  7. Run a development server:

     python runserver


##Commands Run these commands by using python <command>

  • reset_db - Drops all Mongo documents
  • populate_db - Script to fill the database with new data (either for testing or for initial). You can edit the populate_data command in flask_application/ (Right now it is set up to add Users.)
  • runserver - Runs a debug server
  • clean - Removes *.pyc files
  • shell - Opens a shell within the Flask context
  • show_urls - Lists the urls that are available
  • run_tests - Runs unittests using nose.
  • Commands included with Flask-Security can be found here: and by looking in flask_application/

##Templates The base template used Flask-Bootstrap for basic templates. This project can be overridden by adding your own templates to the templates folder or by taking it out.

##Structure The structure provides you with a way to scale your app comfortably. All sub-apps have their own directory (the skeleton apps admin/, public/, users/ are provided) and all views inherit from one common view class. Class-based views give you the ability to subclass and inherit many features. If extra-functionality is needed for your views, you can quickly edit the baseclass and be done with it.

The same carries over to your models. It is preferable to subclass FlaskDocument than to subclass mongoengines Document directly. Because FlaskDocument is under your control, you can override and add functions to enrich your all your models at once.

##Running Tests You can run the unittests either with ENVIRONMENT=TESTING ./ run_tests, with ENVIRONMENT=TESTING . /bin/ or ENVIRONMENT=TESTING nosetests.

This repo is configured for Continuous Integration with Travis. Every commit runs the test suite. You can add Travis to your own projects by pointing it at your forked repository.

##Static Content This project is designed to use CSSMin and Flask-Assets to manage Assets to save on bandwidth and requests.

You can find this in the style block of the layout template. You can also simply edit static/css/site.css as that is included in the base setup.


This app is all ready configured to be deployed on Heroku with MongoHQ (database) and Mandrill (email).

Simply add the free tiers of those services, change your SERVER_NAME, set the production config with heroku config:set ENVIRONMENT=PRODUCTION and deploy normally.


####Required Python Projects:

  • unittest2
  • Flask
  • Flask-Assets
  • cssmin
  • Flask-WTF
  • Flask-Script
  • Flask-Mail
  • Flask-Cache
  • Flask-Security
  • Flask-MongoEngine
  • Flask-Testing
  • python-memcached

####Non-Python Projects:

  • Twitter Bootstrap

####Contributing Projects:


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


A Flask Application with Twitter Bootstrap, Flask-Security, MongoEngine, Gmail, and User Registration preconfigured.






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