LinkedOut is a simple fictional app that mimics LinkedIn functionalities, built using React.js, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS to view, add, update users' work experiences profile.
Deployed on Vercel: Visit to open the app.
- Users could add a new profile.
Required fields:
- First name
- Last name
- Birth date Optional fields:
- Profile image
- Brief description
- Users could view their profile details with their past and current work experience.
- Experience are empty by default and users can add a new experience.
Required fields:
- Job title
- Company name
- Start date
- End date. Optional fields:
- Job description
- Company logo User can also select the experience as their current job.
- Users could update and delete their job experience.
For state management, I use Redux Toolkit that provides out of the box Redux setup to manage global state of the app. Each features' state and reducers are managed by slices which is one of the main features of Redux Toolkit.
Install packages
// or
npm install
Run in Development Mode (Site will run in localhost:5173)
yarn dev
// or
npm run dev
Note: before running in development mode, make sure to create an .env.local
file in root directory and copy this config and make sure that the backend api is already running.
yarn build
// or
npm run build
yarn test
// or
npm run test
Using features-based directory structure. Features-based directories separate specific features related components from generic UI components.
├── public/ React.js public dir, used for storing static assets.
└── src/
├── api
├── components contains global components like layout
├── features/ contains every features on the app
│ ├── experiences/
| | ├── api
│ │ ├── components
│ │ ├── helpers
│ │ └── constants.ts
│ │
│ └── users/
│ ├── components
│ ├── slices
| ├── helpers
│ └── constants.ts
├── helpers
├── hooks contains global hooks
├── store.ts
├── App.tsx
├── index.ts
└── index.css
There are several things that I want to improve if I have more time to work on this project
- Add authentication and authorization.
- Allow users to login by their email and password and only have access to their profile.
- Add more user fields, like email, phone, skills
- Add company profile as a new entity.
- Add more tests coverage.
- Add more component unit tests
- Create more reusable UI components using Tailwind.
- Tailwind is great; however, it bloats the JSX code with classnames. It would be great that we can create custom reusable components using Tailwind classnames.