We provide a training and test tutorials in this repository.
We recommend you follow our code and data structures as follows.
We use pytorch-gpu for neural networks.
An nvidia GPU is needed for faster retrival. LaneLoc is also fast enough when using the neural network on CPU.
To use a GPU, first you need to install the nvidia driver and CUDA.
The ego-lane index annotation results can be downloaded from:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CTZCoQWQ_zKXqk0DYjT6aGSVnyGo5oCY/view?usp=sharing (part1) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/k8h7i7h5grd75bfa19a7y/CULane-Ego-lane-part2.zip?rlkey=jscmnucfy4xuqxnx6so2lzvqm&st=bv0xszok&dl=0 (part2)
the dataset should be organized by this Structure:
TuSimple Ego-lane
|----train-valid/ # video clips
|----0313-1/ # Sequential images for the clip, 20 frames
|----test/ # video clips
|----0530/ # Sequential images for the clip, 20 frames
CULane Ego-lane
generate the txt files for training
python txt_tusimple.py
python txt_culane.py
python demo_culane.py
python demo_tusimple.py