serial2osc is a simple cli utility written in C that read a stream of integers sent by an Arduino over a serial connection and redirect it to an Open Sound Control (OSC) client.
serial2osc expect a serie of string formated intergers separated by a new-line character. eg : SerialPrintln(random(1000));
All serial messages are redirected to the /serial/ osc path.
Tested on Mac OS X, but should work on any POSIX system.
To compile the code simply use : gcc main.c -o serial2osc -llo
liblo must be installed on your system.
By default, serial2osc will send osc messages on localhost:0777, use a baud rate of 9600 and ask you to select the serial port from a list of available serial ports on your system.
You can modify the default options with the followings command-line arguments :
-s serial port path, -b serial port baud, -p osc port, -t osc target ip, -v verbose mode
eg: ./serial2osc -s /dev/tty.usbmodem1411 -b 57600 -p 6666 -t -v
Will open tty.usbmodem1411 at 57600 bauds and send everything on the osc address with the verbose mode activated.